/ / Memory Training: Exercises and Methods

Memory Training: Exercises and Methods

Very often bad memory indicateslack of attention. Concentration is of great importance for memorizing something. If you do not focus on what you need to remember, then in principle there will be nothing to remember.

Memory has one feature: The more we try to remember, the more necessary information from us eludes. The reason for this is simple - the tension and anxiety that arises when we try to remember something. Therefore, training of memory is very important. Exercises will help you get rid of this condition, and the memory will be unlocked. But initially you must calm down and relax.

Exercise memory exercises

Methods of memory training

The methods described below will help you to learnrelax. To do this, you need to master the standard techniques of so-called sequential muscle relaxation. This technique is quite effective and you do not have to make any effort.

Memory training: concentration training

Many people have memory problemsbecause they find it difficult to provide the necessary information in the form of a picture. They do not give enough attention to the creation of images. Of course, you are fully capable of memorizing any things and not focusing, since we unconsciously absorb information and remember most of it. However, if you need to remember something important, try to focus your attention with the "memory switch". Such a "switch" can be any gesture or movement. Let's admit the big and index fingers connected together or something else. Whichever sign you choose, it is necessary for you to understand that now you need to be extremely attentive. Then you will remember everything that you need.

Exercise memory and attention exercises

Memory training: exercises to increase the ability to create a mental picture

Not only is it important to rememberconcentration, but also the ability to create a clearly and clearly mental picture or record of an event, place or person. In general, about what you need to remember. To concentrate as much as possible, you need to imagine yourself as a tape recorder or a camera and fix your impressions in thoughts in the form of a record or a picture.

To develop this ability,it is necessary to practice. Therefore, the training of memory and attention is extremely important, the exercises will help you in this. They are based on the observation of an object, event or person, listening to the sounds surrounding you. Then you need to distract yourself, stop remembering and listening and try to write down your memories.

Methods of memory training

After the first time you will be surprised,as far as you are a bad listener or observer. But memory training, memorization exercises will help you develop your abilities and teach you how to create clear mental records or pictures.

For a more complete and correct perceptionthe following exercise should be used. Place an object in front of you and try to memorize the maximum number of parts in it. For example, the structure, design, shape, model and so on. Next, remove the object and, looking at the place where he was lying, try to imagine that he is on it. Remember everything you saw, as detailed as possible.

After practicing, you will find that you have memorized much better and much more.

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