/ / Joseph Pilates - the creator of a unique methodology

Joseph Pilates - the creator of a unique methodology

Joseph (Joseph) Pilates is the creator of a unique set of exercises named in his honor. And they are unique in that they are performed consciously. What prompted him to create this system?

Joseph Pilates

The Story of Joseph Pilates

Josef grew up a very sickly and frail boy,who was constantly teased because of his physical form. These jokes and served as a push for work on strength and endurance. The basis for the lessons was the system of physical strengthening, which was used in ancient Greece and Rome, various oriental practices and yoga. Despite the fact that Pilates was self-taught, this did not prevent him from achieving excellent results.

Subsequently, Joseph Pilates revised hissystem of exercises in the direction of more intensive work on breathing, flexibility, concentration of attention on exercises. The first, on whom the system of exercises was tested, were prisoners and exiles. Later, when Joseph was transferred by a doctor to a hospital, he began to work with those who were there, equipping their beds so that they were more comfortable to deal with. It was these hospital beds that became prototypes of simulators.

Joseph Pilates Exercises

Arriving in America, Pilates, along with AnnaClara, opened the studio, where he taught his system of exercises. After a while his name became known throughout the country, many dancers began to practice on his recommendations. His studies were considered not only an excellent way to recover from injuries, but also significantly improved physical performance.

Joseph Pilates died when he was 83. Until the end he continued to be an energetic, athletic and cheerful person. Later his system became known all over the world.

Pilates in books

In this sporting field continuesremain one of the most famous books of Joseph Pilates. Although many years have passed, it does not lose its relevance. Why? Because who as the creator of these physical exercises can best tell about the principles and purpose of his method?

Joseph Pilates wrote "The Return to Life" in1945 year. The author, with the help of this book, wanted to convey to people the meaning of his exercises - a healthy lifestyle that begins with the awakening of the body through conscious activities. The main goal is to help people achieve strong physical and spiritual health.

Joseph Pilates system

The essence of the Pilates method

The Joseph Pilates system is uniquecomplex exercises, based on the interaction of mind and body, i.e. they are all performed consciously. These classes are absolutely non-traumatic, and people with different degrees of physical training can perform them.

Exercises developed by the Pilates system,help get rid of unnecessary movements, improve posture and have a beneficial effect on all muscle groups, even those that are not used in normal life. All this is achieved by self-control over all movements.

Joseph Pilates return to life

The Pilates Principles

  1. Right breathing.
  2. Concentration of attention on exercises.
  3. Control over the precise performance of tasks.
  4. Smoothness of movements.
  5. Regular classes.

During the Pilates classes, the emphasis is not onthe number of exercises performed, and how well they are performed. Transitions between exercises are not sharp, but smoothly flowing into each other, which allows you to exclude gusty movements, because of which you can incorrectly perform the task. Thanks to concentration, the exact performance of exercises is achieved, which ensures the interaction of the body and mind.

Pilates exercises

The exercises developed by Joseph Pilatesaimed at strengthening the muscles of the press, back, improving posture, the development of smoothness, graceful movements and work on coordination. Below are examples of exercises:

  • "Boat" - you need to sit down, putting your feet on the floor so,that the legs were on the width of the pelvis. Grabbing your hips with your hands and straightening your back, you need to raise your legs parallel to the floor and stay for a short time in this position. Then, slightly rounded back, deviate back. Repeat several times.
  • "Plank" - you need to stand on all fours, makingsupport on the forearm, knees are in line with the hips. Straightening, you need to pull back and put on the toe alternately legs. The body should resemble one straight line, beginning with the crown and ending with the feet. On inspiration you need to raise your hips, the pose will resemble a dolphin. Having been detained for a short time, on exhalation you return to the initial position.
  • "Mermaid" - sitting on the right hip, you need to bendknees. The support will be the right hand, which must be placed at some distance. The arm is not bent at the elbow, the left arm is in the free position. On inspiration, push with your right hand, raise your hips, your left arm is lifted up. The pose should be like the letter "T". On inhalation, you must return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise several times in each direction.

Joseph Pilates books

Examples of exercises were written in order tothe reader could imagine the Pilates system on specific examples. Each exercise involves all muscle groups, uses statistical elements and correct breathing.

Tips for those who are just starting to learn

Although it seems that this system is simple, it has very important nuances about which many newcomers do not know or consider them unnecessary.

  1. Breathing - you need to breathe, trying to expand as much as possible the ribs, the muscles of the press at the same time are reduced.
  2. The press is constantly in tension.
  3. You need to take the right position to exclude the wrong execution.
  4. Keep your head straight.
  5. We must try to stretch the spine from the coccyx to the crown.

Joseph Pilates gave the world the opportunityDo physical exercises without exhausting training and thoughtless repetition of movements behind the coach. The complex of classes in his system saves not only the body, but also the mind of everything unnecessary. After training, you feel harmony and pacification.

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