/ / What is independence, and how is it understood in the US

What is independence, and how is it understood in the US

What is independence? Of course, in general terms, this is freedom from the influence of others or circumstances. Independence is one of the factors of a formed personality. By the way, he has nothing to do with disrespect for people, recklessness and other things. A weak person will always be dependent on someone else's opinion, assessments and convictions of those who are around.

If we talk about an independent stateit means a free, separate territory with a population, an industrial infrastructure, its currency, language, anthem, laws and the constitution. Just like a person, a weak state will depend on stronger ones if it needs finances for the development of industry, science, the purchase of necessary goods abroad and the opportunity to sell their own. So it was in the 17-18 centuries in the overseas colonies that belonged to England.

What is independence?

Independence of the USA

How did the colonists achieve freedom from their ownmetropolis? They fought for it in the War of Independence. The United States - then another 13 British colonies located on the east coast of North America - challenged the monarchy and was able, in the end, not only to win, but also to create the first democratic state in the Christian world.

What is independence in their understanding? It is an opportunity to independently pass laws concerning all aspects of the life of one's own country. It is the right to choose its leaders.

independence of the united states

The war with the mother country lasted 8 years - from 1775 to 1783, and the following year, after its inception, 13 British colonies proclaimed their independence, becoming a new state - the US.

Independence Day is celebrated here on July 4th. And till now it is one of the most favorite holidays for Americans.

240 years of US independence

Already 240 years of US independence. The spirit of freedom, patriotism and love of the homeland helped the United States not only survive, but also support other states in the struggle for freedom.

A film about the independence of the planet

About that, what is independence, it is possible, by the way,learn and from the sensational film of Rolland Emmerich. In the lead roles here starred: Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Jesse Asher, Bill Pullman, Mike Monroe and others.

"Independence Day: Renaissance" tells about fantastic events, which just happened on this landmark day for the country.

Independence Day revival

Several heroes have to save the world fromtotal enslavement by aliens, possessing both knowledge and military power. Forces are too unequal, and in order for their planet to be saved from capture, a bunch of brave souls are ready to sacrifice their lives. They need only a free, independent planet, they do not know how to live differently, and therefore, probably, they manage to defend the Earth.

Why is independence so important?

Independence is important for every state - andtiny, and superpower. This definition is one of the most important in the history of any country. But why? The fact is that this kind of state of things helps it to develop, and its people - to feel equal among equals.

It is independence that makes it possible to buildrelations without wars, without asking who is more important, rendering assistance to each other in case of natural disasters and supporting when terrorist acts occur. Independence helps states to sit down at the negotiating table to solve all problems. This is a very important tool in the development of diplomatic relations. Independence is an apple on the tree of the whole planet.

How to preserve independence?

Preserving political independence in the state and outside it, it is possible to preserve peace on the planet. But to do this, you need to understand what independence is, until the end. And for this you need:

  1. Cooperate with other states, support humanitarian aid in difficult situations.
  2. Protect your country from attacks from the outside.
  3. Watch for the non-violation of laws within the country.
  4. Provide citizens with freedom of speech, actions, choices that do not violate established laws.
  5. Do not provoke other countries into various outbreaks and other actions that could be harmful.
  6. Participate in the maintenance of peace on Earth.
  7. To prevent attacks by opposition and terrorist groups in a peaceful manner.

Of course, all these theses are more like tipsonly for the government. But the leadership of the country in all this can help and the people. If he is always united and friendly, he will be loyal to his state, then, at least, peace and tranquility will reign in him. This means that such independence, within the framework of this state, will be firmly assimilated.

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