/ / Greek gods or inhabitants of Olympus

Greek gods or inhabitants of Olympus

Greek gods are known all over the world, sinceWe learned about them from various fairy tales and films. Many of them symbolize various aspects of life, they are symbols of art, love, trade, productivity and war.

Now it has been counted more than 50ancient Greek gods, but not all of them went down in history, like the great Zeus, Aphrodite, Hades and other divine inhabitants of Olympus. Each god, according to myths and legends, defended the Earth from various disasters and monsters.

The main Greek gods:

Zeus is the most powerful and great GreekGod, son of Rhea and Kronos. Kronos, according to the legends, did not leave his children alive, fearing that they would start a war against him, and devouring them, but Zeus's mother Rey was able to save Zeus and hid him. When Zeus grew up, he found strength in himself and rebelled against Kronos, forcing him to return his brothers. Together they entered into a fight with Kronos and the Titans for domination of the whole world. After Kronos was overthrown, the brothers divided their possessions among themselves, so Zeus left himself heaven, Poseidon the sea, and Hades became the lord of the afterlife.

Poseidon is the brother of the great Zeus, he is the samepowerful, although in the subordination of his brother. Its symbol is the famous trident. Poseidon is the lord of the seas, but at the same time he is often referred to as the cult of a bull or a horse, and is also considered to be the patron of fishing.

Hera - she is both a sister andwife of Zeus. All the gods revered Hera, despite her jealousy, according to myths, Zeus was very loving, so Hera pursued her rivals and severely punished. She is considered the goddess of women and the goddess of clear skies above her head. The most famous of her children are Hephaestus and Ares.

Artemis is the goddess of hunting. Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and the goddess Leto. She is considered the patroness of livestock and wild animals. She is also called the goddess of fertility. According to the legends it was believed that she blesses the wedding, the birth of children and marriage.

Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. It was created from the foam of sea waves. And according to the narrations of "Illada", was the daughter of Zeus and Dion. The children of Aphrodite were Harmony and Eros.

Apollo is the sun god in Greece. He was the son of Zeus and Leto. He was considered the god of harmony, of arts, of spiritual activity, of music and singing. Very often, Apollo was depicted with a lyre in hands, which he received from Hermes.

Ares is the Greek god of war. He is considered one of the main Olympic gods. The son of Zeus and Hera. He was usually depicted with a spear in his hands. Ares was a handsome and courageous god, but at the same time very mean and cruel.

Hermes - was the patron of all travelers andmessenger of the gods. He was the son of Zeus and the mountain nymph - Maya. Hermes from early years was distinguished by cunning and unusual dexterity, and some even considered him the patron of cheating.

Dionysus - was the god of vegetation and winemaking. He was the son of the famous Zeus and the daughter of the Theban king Semela. Dionysus always brought people joy and strength. He traveled to different countries and cities, and he was always accompanied by a crowd of singing and dancing satyrs and maenads.

Prometheus was nephew of Zeus and son of TitanIapetus. He is considered the patron of fire, crafts. He taught people how to cook food, get fire. After that, people were no longer a herd, they lived in houses, engaged in crafts. Many Greek gods came out of this furiously, as soon as they realized who did it, Kronid ordered to find Prometheus and chained him to the high Mount Ararat, where according to legend, the sent thief every day pecked the liver of the great god.

This is not all the Greek gods, but the brightestof them, the memory of which is still alive today. In addition, the ancient Greek mythology is reflected in many Hollywood films that shock with their beautiful special effects and the authenticity of what is happening.

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