/ / How to write an essay on "My favorite poet of the XX century"?

How to write an essay on "My favorite poet of the XX century"?

Composition on the theme "My favorite poet of the Silvercentury "students usually ask high school students.The fulfillment of this written task presupposes knowledge of the peculiarities of the literature of the 20th century.In the beginning of the last century there were many poets in Russia, and mostly good ones.The article gives a description of the Silver Age and briefly tells about its most famous representatives. will help in writing the essay on "My favorite poet".

an essay on the theme of my favorite poet

With what to begin?

In order to write an essay on the theme "Myfavorite poet of the Silver Age ", it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of Russian literature of the beginning of the twentieth century, and above all with the basic definitions.It is difficult to name the timeframe, but there is no consensus among the literary scholars: Some believe that the Silver Age ended in the year of Gumilev's death - a bright representative of the poetry of the 20th century.The others connect the end of this period with the death of Mayakovsky.

The school program involveswritten work for one of the given topics. It can be dedicated to any poet who lived in the first third of the last century. One of the options - an essay on "My favorite poet of the Silver Age - Esenin." The flowering of Esenin's creative work fell on 1915-1925. According to some literary critics, the Silver Age ended with the outbreak of the First World War. Nevertheless Esenin's works, which were so vividly distinguished against the background of the rest of his colleagues, are often devoted to creative tasks by schoolchildren.

an essay on the theme of my favorite poet of the Silver Age

Literary directions

In the poetry of the 20th century different currents are singled out. Almost every author of this period attributed himself to this or that association. Before starting to write a work on the topic "My favorite poet of the 20th century," one should understand the following literary trends:

  • Symbolism (A. Block, A. Bely, I. Ivanov).
  • Acmeism (A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam, N. Gumilev).
  • Futurism (V. Khlebnikov, V. Mayakovsky).
  • Imagism (A. Mariengof, V. Shershenevich).

To the Imaginists, Yesenin was also attached. However, later the poet declared his independence from any literary association.

In the works of the Symbolists was presentgloominess, philosophical overtones. Acmeists, on the other hand, sought the accuracy of the images. Futurism is the first avant-garde trend in Russian literature. His representatives defiantly refused the aesthetic ideals of the past. The Imagists asserted the primacy over the meaning of the self-directed verbal image.

Many books have been written about the poetry of the Silver Age. But in fact, in order to prepare for the essay on "My favorite poet", there is no need to carefully study the theory. It is enough to choose from the list of poets of the 20th century the one whose work is more understandable, close to the author of the future essay. Below are briefly the features of the creativity of some poets of the 20th century.

essay on the theme of my favorite poet of the silver age Yesenin

The composition on the theme "My favorite poet is Esenin"

This is, perhaps, one of the most popular poets20 th century. Most of Yesenin's works are devoted to the Motherland. And only insignificant refers to love lyrics. This poet, like other authors who can devote an essay on "My Favorite Poet of the 20th Century," lived in a difficult time, which determined the direction in his work.

Yesenin lived only thirty years. But in his later verses the experience of a mature, tired person. If the early works of the poet are filled with enthusiasm, then those written two or three years before death, there are notes of bitterness, regret. In the essay on "My favorite poet of the Silver Age - Yesenin" you can analyze one of the works of this author.

Any of his poems is a whole story. The reader will learn about the profound experiences of a young, extraordinarily talented person who, for a monstrously small amount of time, was disappointed in life. For example, "Letter to a woman" - this is not just frank lines, which the author addresses the former lover. These are memories of the past, the recognition of one's own mistakes and faith, the hope for the best, which, given the tragic facts from the author's biography, may seem deceptive.

essay on the theme of my favorite poet Yesenin

Alexander Blok

One of the poetry collections of this author hasa very pessimistic name - "Dance of death." There are extremely gloomy works in it. One of them tells about the despair of human existence ("Night, street ..."). It was during the creation of the poems of this cycle that the Bloc denied Symbolism.

At the beginning of his career he wrote poetrylighter, designed for exalted ladies. However, the events in Russia, and then the personal tragedy (the death of his son) affected his work. In the essay on the topic "My favorite poet - Alexander Blok" you can reveal the features of the poet's late works, comparing them with earlier ones.

Boris Pasternak

The love lyrics of this author are sublime,refined. Pasternak's works even during his life amazed contemporaries with brightness, originality, originality. In his poems there are quite unexpected metaphors. Write an essay on the work of Boris Pasternak is not easy. For this kind of work, it is worth taking only those who really feel and understand the poetry of this author.

Marina Tsvetayeva

"It was combined and old-fashioned courtesy andrebellion, and utmost pride and simplicity, "Ehrenburg once said of poetry Tsvetaeva's poetry can not be attributed to any literary trend, her style was too individual Contemporaries often criticized her poems They did not find in them the proper sense of proportion, consistency, observance of poetic norms, but the poet herself was sure that her poems would find her reader.

an essay on the theme of my favorite poet of the 20th century

Tsvetaeva, like many other poets and writershis era, suffered a lot of adversity. She survived the arrest of her husband and daughter, in recent years was in a very distressed situation. The secret of her grave is not disclosed to this day.

In a work devoted to the poetry of the twentieth century,one can also present an analysis of the works of Annensky, Severyanin, Akhmatova, Bryusov, or Balmont. It is worth remembering that the performance of such a task presupposes a good knowledge of the biography of the poet.

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