/ / What is the essence of happiness?

What is the essence of happiness?

Our world is full of many different forms,kinds of material and spiritual concepts. One of them is happiness. This is an internal state, which is of varying degrees of intensity: joy, pleasure, bliss. Satisfaction experienced by a person can be quiet, calm. Delight, bravado are expressed by a strong storm, with the head covering the lucky one.

essence of happiness

Everyone - his own happiness

Dreams, desires, preferences and customs of peopleso different that for each individual person the essence of happiness will be different, and sometimes it will be the complete opposite of the joy of others. So, one person's jump from a bridge on an elastic band causes a flurry of emotions, unrestrained jubilation, and the other - horror and fear. Someone finds an ecstasy in courage, in a dangerous work that allows you to show the strength of your character, for others an extreme situation - you can not imagine anything worse.

Many people who believe that the essence of happiness inresponsible attitude to life and others, for them the most important thing is work, social activity, positive opinion of society. But there are as many personalities who aspire to a momentary pleasure for themselves alone, for idleness, for entertainment.

Many women dream of having a simple happiness,"Female", which is concluded in the presence of a home, a full-fledged family, healthy children and the creation of comfort. But in our time, we can observe females-careerists, feminists and lady-childfri, who absolutely do not want to have children and find their happiness in their absence. A great joy can be caused by food or drinks, luxuries or trinkets, pleasant touches or lack of pain. A fan of massage will dream of bodily pleasures for days on end, and pathologically sick - about a complete lack of sensations in the body.

what is the essence of happiness

Philosophical view of happiness

Thinking about happiness is not new. The search for the meaning of life and eternal joy torment humanity for a long time, do not lose relevance today. The ancient philosophers of ancient times in the understanding of the essence of this sensation were divided into two directions: hedonistic and eudemonic. The first considered the happiness of momentary pleasures, sensual pleasures and saw in them the goal of life and the motives of human behavior. The latter tended to the fact that the essence of happiness lies in the complete attainment of any aspiration, and the presence of a positive evaluation from the outside is mandatory.

Exaggerating, one can imagine how someadherents of one ancient direction indulge in bodily pleasures day after day, remain in idleness, while others are in constant search, in work on themselves and measure their happiness see success in work and science, its evaluation by people. These opposing directions have not lost their freshness over the past centuries. And today you can observe how there are differences between the supporters of two opinions about happiness. Sometimes even in one family, is not it?

The beginning of a new era, the era of Christianity,It was marked by the appearance of a new, evangelical understanding of the source of happiness. The fundamental thesis is "love is happiness." Only humility, acceptance of what fell to the lot of a person, sacrificial love to loved ones is a true Christian happiness. It comes to the one who sincerely sacrifices, gives himself and takes all the trials with love. In other cases, according to this philosophy, happiness is either impossible, or false.

love is happiness

Medicine of Happiness

Medicine is an exact science that does not tolerate philosophy. The essence of happiness, on the presentation of medical workers, is the presence and influence on the human body of a specific set of hormones: serotonin, endorphin and dopamine. Each of these hormones affects the person in different ways and causes different sensations.

So, for example, endorphins raise the mood, notgive fear and fatigue prevail. Serotonin also gives a good mood, but adds physical activity, a desire to move and brings pleasure from it. Dopamine motivates to action. With a lack of any so-called happiness hormone, a person experiences discomfort, lethargy, loss of energy and a bad mood.

From the point of view of scientific psychology ...

Scientific psychology in the source of happiness seesother reasons. She calls happiness the harmony between the four spheres of a person's life: health, family, work and peace of mind, that is, complete satisfaction of the person. If in the life of the individual there is a balance between these four components, then he experiences happiness, according to psychologists.

simple happiness

Let's sum up the results

So, what is really happening? What is the essence of happiness? It seems that in all of the above. You can safely agree with the philosophers of antiquity and experts of the modern world, with medical workers and psychologists, with career women and mothers, with all the rest of humanity, for whom all the charm of happiness in its diversity, contrast, versatility and vivid manifestation. The most important thing is that happiness is everywhere, that it surrounds us from birth to death, which does not bypass a single inhabitant of the globe.

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