/ / Analysis of the wage fund

Analysis of the wage fund

In pursuit of profit, the head of the enterprise does notshould forget about the team of specialists and ordinary workers who help build his prosperous business. The highest degree of reward and praise for diligence and labor for them is, oddly enough, wages. A good leader who really appreciates the work of his subordinates does not regret any means of gratitude for achieving his goals. However, regrettably, the money funds reserved for labor have the property of ending. Only by performing an analysis of the wage fund, you can understand how effectively these funds were used, and where their overspending or savings came from.

Salary - this is an employee's reward (in cash or in kind) for invested mental or physical labor in the creation of the enterprise's products.

Wage fund Is the total wage of allemployees of the organization, expressed in monetary terms. Wages are related to expense items that reduce profits, and, depending on the type of activity, can reach half of the enterprise's total costs. In addition to the salary, it includes: bonuses and employee benefits, various compensations for harmful working conditions, scholarships, overtime work, payment of downtime, as well as social and pension contributions, vacation pay, permits and other payments.

Analysis of the use of the wage fund perform the same scenario as the analysisother categories of expenses of the enterprise. After gathering all the necessary information, including planned indicators, the data characterizing the level and dynamics of the fund's spending on the enterprise as a whole and on the categories of employees are studied. Here it is worth paying attention to the payment of work of pieceworkers and peremennikov, as well as management personnel, specialists, workers, maintenance personnel.

The causes of overexpenditure or saving of wages piece-makers It is necessary to search in wrongly established rates of development and quotations for work. Performing an analysis of the wage fund time-workers, it should be taken into account that inaccurately calculatedlaboriousness of work can lead to an overestimation of their quantity. The increase in the share of managers and specialists may not always affect the growth of productivity, but clearly manifests itself in the over-expenditure of funds for their payment.

Analysis of the use of the wage fund shouldinclude research of its structure, changes in the level and dynamics of the categories of payments. Here it is possible to divide into a variable part reflecting pay for piece-rate pricing and bonuses, and a permanent part, including the wages of the laborers and various co-payments. Particular attention is paid to non-productive payments, including overtime work, payment of forced downtime, time spent on marriage. In most cases, it is worthwhile looking for the reasons for the unjustified growth of the wage overexpenditure.

For more in-depth research andcause and effect relationships with other factors affecting the deviation of labor costs from planned targets, performing an analysis of the wage fund, you can use factor analysis. Here we study the impact on the change of salary articles of the costs of such economic phenomena and processes as the introduction of new technologies, the organization of labor, the structure of products, and the prices of sales.

To reflect the overall effectiveness of the fund should know one golden rule- the dynamics of growth in the company's income from an increase in labor productivity should exceed the dynamics of growth in labor costs in advance. Therefore, indicators of wage dynamics should be correlated with data characterizing the profitability of production and labor productivity by the enterprise, by divisions and by main types of products. Calculation of indicators of economic efficiency of payment is conducted by the ratio of the amount of revenue (profit, gross output) of the enterprise or division to the amount of staff salaries of this unit.

The analysis of the wage fund should notto become the reason for the reduction of the reward paid to the employees of the enterprise, because this can cause a decrease in the share of the stimulating component of labor remuneration, respectively, a decline in labor productivity and, as a result, lead to the loss of a part of the enterprise's profit.

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