/ / Subsistence level in Novosibirsk: for the able-bodied population, children and pensioners

Subsistence level in Novosibirsk: for the able-bodied population, children and pensioners

One of the socially important indicators thatand the case is subject to change, is the cost of living. Unlike the minimum wage, the amount of pensions and the amount of other social benefits, the subsistence level is not set at the legislative level, but calculated on the basis of the results of each quarter. In Russia the conditional value is formed separately for each region and for each of the three main categories of the population: pensioners, able-bodied people, children.

subsistence level in Novosibirsk

How is the living wage formed?

There are several ways to determine the minimum subsistence minimum:

  • The statistical method assumes the formation of a subsistence minimum at the level of the income of 10-20% of the least well-off population.

  • A sociological poll involves collecting the opinions of the population about the minimum required cash, the method is not objective and is rarely used.

  • The resource method is based on the economic ability to provide the population - this is the largest amount that the state can afford to spend on social payments.

  • The combined method provides several methods for determining the subsistence minimum.

  • Normative way, which, as a rule, andis applied in practice, it means setting a living wage equal to the cost of a consumer basket of basic food and non-food items.

subsistence minimum of a pensioner in Novosibirsk

Living wage in the Novosibirsk region

The subsistence minimum in Novosibirsk, as inother subjects of the Russian Federation, is established quarterly in a normative way. The value is used to assess the overall standard of living, the setting of the minimum wage, pensions and other social benefits, and is also taken into account when formulating the budget.

For the third quarter of the current year (2016)The subsistence minimum in Novosibirsk is 10,295 rubles per month per capita. This value includes the full cost of the minimum food basket and a 50% surcharge for purchasing the necessary non-food items and payment for services, as well as utility payments and other mandatory payments.

For the adult able-bodied populationthe subsistence minimum in Novosibirsk is 10,963 rubles per month. This category includes all people aged 16 to 54 (women) and 59 years (men), regardless of employment, as well as all those working younger or older than the established age.

minimum subsistence level in Novosibirsk

The subsistence minimum in Novosibirsk, as in allRussia, is calculated for one person (by categories and on average), and not by the family. In Latvia, for example, the living wage is calculated for a family consisting of two adults and two children: a boy of fourteen years and girls of six to eight years. For other families, the corresponding coefficients apply.

Subsistence minimum for children and pensioners

Required minimum funds forto meet the needs of the categories of the population who are not able to provide for themselves, is a separate value on the basis of which minimum pensions and social payments to large families and low-income families are calculated.

The subsistence minimum of a pensioner in Novosibirskis 8300 rubles per month, which is 216 rubles less than the same indicator in the previous quarter. The dynamics of the change in the value shows that the minimum requirements for the last two years of the pensioners and the cost of the consumer basket were estimated in the first quarter of 2014 (6,681 rubles per month), maximum in May-August 2015 (8560 rubles per month).

subsistence minimum in Novosibirsk for children

The minimum subsistence level in Novosibirskfor children under 14 years of age is 10,479 rubles. For children from large families and low-income families, the rate is increased by 10%, and for each disabled child - by 20%.

Subsistence minimum in other regions of the Russian Federation and Novosibirsk

In comparison with other subjects of the Russian Federation,the minimum in Novosibirsk per capita is at an average level. The maximum value was determined for the Nenets Autonomous District (19758 rubles), the minimum in Mordovia (7911 rubles). In the capital of Russia, the minimum required per capita income is set at 15,382 rubles per month, in cities of federal importance in St. Petersburg and Sevastopol, the indicator is respectively at 10449 and 9809 rubles.

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