/ / Men's silver rings - an excellent gift for active men!

Men's silver rings are an excellent gift for active men!

Today it is hardly possible to meet in the world at leastone person who would not wear a ring or a ring. This, it would seem, ordinary jewelry is in fact not just a decoration. It is able to tell a lot about the status, position and character of a person. The ring can tell you whether the chosen heart is busy or free, and also to tell about his habits and even his way of life. So, let's try to figure out what this popular decoration actually means.

According to ancient legend, the very first analogthe ring (one of the links in the chain into which a piece of rock was inserted), the god Zeus commanded to wear Prometheus, as a reminder of the experiences of torment and disobedience. Since then, men of many peoples have sought to imitate a famous mythical hero and decorated themselves with rings of bone and stone.

The first metal rings appeared only inthe Bronze Age. Then this decoration acquired a new meaning - one of its faces was printed with a personal seal. As a rule, such a signet ring was taken to be worn on the index finger. Then the fashion for the rings spread all over the world, but people from the upper class wore rings of gold, civilian - from silver, and common people - from simple metal. It is at this time that the rings acquire professional status. Shoemakers wore thimble in the form of rings, and archers wore three rings at once, so as not to injure the fingers when pulling the bowstring. Warriors participating in fisticuffs wore brass knuckles - rings with massive inserts of stones and metal. In those days men's rings of silver and gold could have a special political significance - they played the role of admission to secret political communities or monastic orders.

Ancient Rus was also not indifferent to decorationsof this kind. A variety of precious metal rings were worn on almost any finger. However, the most effective decoration was the ring worn on the thumb. It was called napalok and symbolized boundless power. It was these men's rings of silver worn by many great people of past centuries, thereby showing their chosenness and belonging to the upper class.

The first wedding rings appeared in the AncientRome. Then they became popular among many peoples and remain quite relevant to this day. The bridegrooms at the time of the engagement were supposed to give silver men's rings, brides - gold. And the ancient Greeks believed that the ring finger is connected with the heart and is responsible for the affairs of the heart.

Legend has it that it was the golden ring (the symbol of purity and purity) that was worn by Joseph to the young virgin Mary on the ring finger.

Today men's silver rings are consideredthe most popular decorations in the world. Not surprisingly, each piece of jewelry has its own symbolic meaning and carries a part of the national culture. Today, the jewelers are armed with a huge variety of styles, shapes and models of rings, so that any man can pick up a fine everyday or collection item for a special solemn occasion. This decoration does not just symbolize wealth, power and eternal love, but it is also a kind of amulet for a representative of the stronger sex, because the closed form of the ring makes a person simply invulnerable. Men's seals from silver are still considered to be a symbol of power and power, especially since this noble metal practically does not go out of fashion. His restrained cold radiance is combined with any styles in clothing, favorably emphasize the good taste of the owner and significantly improve his status.

Men's rings of silver are more restrained indesign than gold, and rarely contain precious stones, and therefore perfectly fit active and dynamic men. If your chosen one has these qualities, you can safely give him a silver decoration - he will definitely appreciate it!

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