/ / Consumer goods, their types and ways of promotion

Consumer goods, their types and ways of promotion

Consumer goods - a kind of product,intended to meet the demand of a potential consumer, for home, personal or family use. Consumer goods include footwear, clothing, furniture, building materials, cars and other consumer goods. The properties of goods that determine their suitability to meet the specific needs of the population and are manifested in the process of consumption or exploitation are considered to be consumer goods. The totality of all consumer properties is nothing else than the quality of the product. The structure of consumer properties consists of complex and qualitative unitary features of the goods, divided according to the rules of hierarchical classification into several levels.

Depending on the habits and choice of consumersthe consumer goods of preliminary, daily and special demand differ. In addition, they are classified according to their intended purpose: clothing, footwear, foodstuffs and by the nature of demand: mass (household goods, food) and selective demand (antiques, jewelry). Also, consumer goods differ in terms of use - short-term (products, household chemicals) and durable (household appliances, cars). Consumer goods are divided into goods of daily demand, durable goods and specialty goods. Commodities of daily demand (easily accessible goods and services), their buyers acquire, without thinking often enough. To such goods it is possible to carry soap, a washing powder, services of the hairdresser. The price of everyday goods, as a rule, is not high, so the decision of the buyer affects the habit, because most often the products of the same company are bought. To create a habit with the buyer, manufacturers widely advertise their own products, thereby creating a lasting effect of the easily recognizable image.

Durable goods are more importantthings that a person buys irregularly. Buyers spend much more time on the decision to purchase them. It can be expensive clothes, furniture, car, jewelry, legal services, specialist advice. When buying these things, consumers pay special attention to the quality, price of the goods and the reputation of the manufacturer. At the same time, the more expensive the product, the more time the consumer is ready to give an analysis of its characteristics. The goods of a special assortment include things that, according to consumers, there is no substitute. This can be a "Rolex" watch or antiques. To acquire them, potential buyers are willing to spend more effort and time. The price in this case does not play a special role, since the consumer wants to purchase this product and no other.

To increase consumer demand, the well-knownfirms specially develop and produce goods that, as a result of a broad advertising campaign and a sufficiently long life, become the face of this enterprise. Such goods are called brands. The brand is a new modern management ideology and the key to success in any kind of activity from the selection of qualified personnel to modern innovative technologies.

Territorial branding is a new moderna direction aimed at the development and prosperity of business. Outstanding specialist Thomas Gad, who developed the concept of 4D Branding, believes that branding is not only the basic basis of marketing, it serves the development of the structure of the company, making it unique in the consumer goods market. 4D Branding is characterized by a clear brand development framework and an objective evaluation of its effectiveness, which allows enterprises to build their own business on a completely new level.

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