/ / Do I need to shave an intimate place and how to do it right?

Do I need to shave an intimate place and how to do it right?

Whether it is necessary to shave an intimate place
Today we decided to dedicate our article fairlytopical for both men and women the question: whether it is necessary to shave an intimate place ?! From the moment of puberty, boys and girls start growing their hair where they did not exist before - in the genital area. Then young people start to think about whether to shave an intimate place, and how to do it correctly, so as not to cut yourself and avoid complications in the form of irritation.

Destruction of Myths

When a young man or girl turns for advice aboutwhether to shave an intimate place, very often they hear in response: "Of course not! Once you start doing this, your hair will grow much faster. " This is a fairly common opinion, although it is mistaken. Whether you shave your hair or leave, the speed of their growth will not change at all. After all, they have no sensitivity and can not convey to the brain a signal about what is happening to them.

The second point, which requires debunking,is that the hair becomes thicker and stiffer. This is also not true. Yes, it happens, but not because of shaving, but with the natural aging process. In simple terms, hair becomes thicker with age.

 shave an intimate place for a man why

The third myth: shaving is the root cause of ingrown hair. Of course, this is not so. Think about it, if it was true, then men who shave bristles on their chins would have to spend a third of their lives actively fighting nasty ingrown hairs. In fact, such an annoying incident happens to those who do not take care of an intimate place. This needs to be given more attention. If you are asked about whether to shave an intimate place, answered for yourself in the affirmative and proceeded to the process, then prepare to care for a piquant hairdo. First you need to treat the surface of the skin with scrub, wash it hot (within reasonable limits - you do not need burns) with water and wipe with a towel. Then apply foam or shaving gel and proceed to the process. At the end of the procedure, treat the pubic zone with a cooling cream.

Do I need to shave an intimate place for a man?

Why not? Of course! Many men do this and do not regret it at all. In the summer it is not so hot, it does not stick and does not tickle. Many men ask their partners for the first time, after which they begin to turn it into a daily ritual.

What you need to consider before you start shaving

If you are 100% determined to restore order topubic zone, be prepared for the fact that the depilation will have to be done in a day, and perhaps even every day, so that the skin remains smooth as silk. Still have to buy a good machine and replaceable cartridges with blades, special gel, scrub and lotions.

How to shave an intimate place with a machine tool?

 how to shave an intimate place with a machine tool

Step 1. Cut the long hair with a pair of scissors so that they do not blunt the razor. In addition, this will make the process more easy and painless.

Step 2. Take a hot bath or shower to steam out the skin. When washing the intimate area, use an exfoliating scrub.

Step 3. Spread the gel with the gel (or foam) and start shaving. Do not use soap or shower gel - they are not suitable for this! When shaving a little, pull the skin and, gently pressing, hold the machine. Try not to make much effort not to cut yourself.

Step 4. At the end of the procedure, rinse the rest of the gel with warm water, wipe the pubic area with a towel and apply a cooling shaving gel or baby oil. This will help to maintain the softness of the skin and relieve the appearance of irritation.

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