/ / Met the odt format? How to open this document?

Met the odt format? How to open this document?

If you have ever used electronic documents, you can not help but know that the actual standard in this area is the well-known doc, developed by Microsoft.

odt format than open
In recent years, the industry is trying to get rid ofthis dependence, and therefore on the expanses of the Internet and in organizations are increasingly beginning to use the format odt. Than to open it, many users do not know, as often their level of computer literacy leaves much to be desired. In addition, the distribution of the Office from Microsoft also played a role.

But let's start with "sources". In fact, the odt format (which is not known by most office workers) is one of the most popular office documents distributed under the auspices of GNU (free software).

The company from Redmond long resisted, but inOffice 2007 was first introduced its support. Especially since the "break-in" was subjected to a set of new .docx, .xmls and pptx files, which not only take up much less disk space, but also have enhanced protection against damage and loss of information.

Here is just the odt format (than you will discover itbelow) in these applications as a "poor relative", since only standard 1.1 is supported, so you can forget about compatibility with new versions. So the only option with at least some kind of guarantee to open such a document and not to "lose" formatting, is the use of the Open Office program or Libre Office.

odt format program

However, when upgrading to their new versions, youyou will not lose anything (in comparison with MS Office): in the same way you can print the document, protect it from modification and deletion, convert it to the odt format of the older specification ... In addition, the standard themes were significantly changed: they became more pleasing to look at , have acquired a less sensitive gradient. However, the main thing is not even in the appearance of buttons and tabs, but the fact that new versions of these free programs contain a huge number of templates for processing documents.

By the way, some users immediately sawThis is a strong resemblance to iWork '09 (a package of office applications for Apple's Mac OS X system). So the format of odt (than to open it, you already know) is quite a modern and practical tool for office work.

The most convenient innovations in the new Open Office

odt format
Very convenient innovation - pop-up menus forpreview styles and text formatting. In addition, all the icons of applications and tools have become larger, have acquired a more saturated color gamut. Skeptics say that this does not affect the comfort of work. So it is or not - a purely individual question, but after working for a while in the new "Office", I do not want to go back to the old menus and small icons.

In any case, the new program for the odt format does not cause a sense of "mossiness", which complained to some too refined natures.

If you liked all of the above, then hurryyou will be pleased with the fact that all free office packages described by us are completely free of charge. So the format of odt (than to open which, you already know) can become your new standard for office work.

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