/ / Job description of the chief power engineer of the enterprise

Job description of the main power engineer of the enterprise

The main power engineer is the person whois obliged to ensure the operability of all energy equipment of a particular enterprise. He must be competent in the inspection or inspection of this equipment. This is an explanation of the main functions performed by the person who is appointed to such a position.

But in fact, this work is much more complicated, has many nuances that can be understood and studied only after acquaintance with such a document as the job description of the chief power engineer.

General characteristic of the profession

Job description of the Chief Power Engineerthe enterprise assumes that only a person who has a higher education (that is, necessarily a master's or specialist's diploma) has the right to occupy such a position and experience in the position of the head of the engineering and technical direction for at least 5 years. Only with the availability of such data can you count on the vacancy of the chief power engineer at a good prospective enterprise.

Appoint a person to such a positionthe right is only the immediate head of the organization that opened such a vacancy. A manager's representative can also be dismissed.

The job description of the company's chief power engineer also states that he can receive orders directly from the manager of the manager or from the chief engineer.

job description of the chief power engineer

Every major power engineer (regardless ofsize of the enterprise) must be a deputy. The job description of the Deputy Chief Power Engineer implies that during the leave of the head of the department all his duties pass to the deputy. He also becomes responsible for making certain decisions and for the state of the energy equipment of the enterprise as a whole.

What is the responsibility of the chief specialist?

Job description of the Chief Power Engineerimplies full responsibility for ensuring normal operating conditions for power equipment, as well as for its timely repair. Power systems and the production of electricity in general - this is an area for which the chief power engineer is also responsible. He must constantly monitor that the company maximally rationally use resources such as gas and water, and respect the regime of optimal economy.

"Paper" duties

Chief engineer-power engineer - officialthe instruction confirms this - it is not only necessary to closely monitor the condition of the equipment, but also to compile all necessary forms of documents and reports in a timely manner, to formulate applications that are confirmed by appropriate calculations for the acquisition of new equipment. The establishment of plans for resource consumption by a particular enterprise is also handled by the chief power engineer.

The job description of the chief power engineer,working in a large, competitive enterprise, requires him to participate in the development of plans that describe the prospects for the development of the organization, as well as real ways to improve the efficiency of resource use.

chief power engineer job description

Additional tasks

The job description of the chief power engineer may include in the list of direct responsibilities the following:

- direct participation in consideration of perspective projects of reconstruction or full modernization of productive systems;

- drawing up technical tasks for power facilitiesenterprises or designing new similar tasks are also possible direct duties that must necessarily be provided for by the job description;

- testing not only individual power plants, but also power networks as a whole is entrusted to the main power engineering;

- observance of labor protection rules, which are regulated by the relevant instruction, should be checked by the chief power engineer;

- finding out the causes of accidents or minor problems also falls on his shoulders. He is obliged to check the elimination of the reasons that caused this or that problem in the work.

job description of the chief power engineer of the enterprise

What should a good chief power engineer know?

In addition to the fact that the main power engineer shouldperfect knowledge and execute his job description, he also needs to have a deep knowledge of the current legislative framework that regulates the energy service processes of the organization.

For example, the job description of the mainenergy utilities means that this specialist must perfectly know the order and methodology of planning the work of this organization, as well as all the provisions and instructions accompanying it (other guidelines, if any) that regulate the process of preparing technical documentation.

About the rights and duties of this specialist

In any job description should besubparagraphs, which regulate not only the duties of a specialist, but also his rights. Only then the solution of contradictory questions, which concern the abuse of authority, will be made quickly and on the basis of the main regulatory regulatory documentation.

job description of the Deputy Chief Power Engineer

Basic rights of the main power engineer

Chief power engineer - job description of anythe enterprise to that acknowledgment is that expert who has the full right to act on behalf of the enterprise on which he works. This means that he has the right to represent the interests of the organization both in the scale of relations between individual structural units and in the scale of enterprises in general, if such a decision was made by management.

He has the right to receive information without delayor data that heads of other structural units should provide, if such data are necessary for the normal process of fulfilling its immediate duties.

The main power engineer has the right to any convenient forIt is his working time to check the activities of other structural subdivisions of his enterprise with the aim of analyzing the quality of the performance of energy production services in a particular unit. If necessary, he also has the right to disable some steam, heat or electrical installations, if for this there are objective reasons.

If it is planned to prepare draft instructions that will deal with energy services, the chief power engineer has every right to participate in the process of this training.

job description of the chief power engineer

A special right that every major energy specialist should know about

One of the main rights of the chief power engineeris the right to independently make decisions regarding the removal from the performance of duties or the transfer to another workplace of employees of the energy unit, who for objective reasons have not passed the audit of knowledge of safety rules and rules for energy supply. In addition, the chief energy officer - the job description stipulates this point too - can submit a question about disciplinary or material liability of employees to the managers of the managerial level directly, the results of which were unsatisfactory.

On the responsibility of this specialist

The chief power engineer should understand that for non-fulfillment or gross violation of the items that are stipulated in the job description, he will be responsible:

  • For offenses (not onlyadministrative, but also labor, and even criminal codes) that were committed by a specialist during the performance of his direct official duties, he will bear direct responsibility.
  • Causing material damage - this is also the reason that leads to liability, if this is consistent with the norms of laws and provided for by the legislative framework.

In detail about the job description of the chief power engineer in housing and public utilities

chief engineer power engineer job description
Job description of the chief power engineer in housing and public utilitieshas some specific features that one should know about who is interested in such a position. Unlike the usual enterprise, housing and communal services has a direction of activity completely different, that is why it undergoes some modifications and job description of an energy specialist. Each separate housing and communal services develops their job description, which corresponds to the letter of the law. One of the main features of this particular area of ​​activity of the main power engineers is that they can directly interact and represent the interests of the housing and communal services not only at the level of different divisions, but also at the level of resolving issues with other utilities.

Job description of the chief power engineer in construction: specificity

Today many people areenergy is in the building organization, because, as unshakable statistics say, it is at such enterprises that the chief power engineer earns relatively more than, for example, in any state enterprise.

Job description of the Chief Power Engineerthe construction organization corresponds to the letter of the law, but at the same time it implies that the specialist who wishes to receive such a position must have a deep knowledge of the specifics of the activity of construction organizations. Similar conditions are justified by the fact that this job description is developed on the basis of the qualification characteristic of such a staff unit as the main power engineer of a construction organization.

Interesting Facts

Some statistical studies have showninteresting results, according to which employers have an idea of ​​the ideal main energy, and compliance with certain parameters increases your chances of obtaining this particular position.

Preference will be given only to a person with a highereducation, whose age is virated within 30-50 years (that is, there is already a good work experience). In 99% of cases, managers want to see a man in this position. A big plus will also be the availability of a driver's license category B. Knowledge of English is also a big advantage.

job description of the chief power engineer of the construction company

A competitor with significant work experience can expect to raise wages, while an applicant without experience will have to agree to the proposed terms and rate.

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