/ Recipes from green beans: tasty and healthy.

Recipes from green beans: tasty and healthy.

Recipes from green beans can not onlydelight your taste, but also improve the figure. After all, this legume has dietary properties, which are excellent for those who want to lose weight. In addition, thanks to the content of vitamin A in it, the bean can make your skin beautiful and smooth.

Before you understand how to cook a podbeans, it will be interesting to know where it came from. It seems like it's from South America. In general, beans have a variety of colors and shapes. The string bean is also called asparagus, and in our latitudes people began to use it widely in the 17th century. And approximately, since the 19th century, string beans began to grow almost everywhere and she had many admirers.

Culinary specialists successfully use this bean plant,both in festive and in everyday dishes. Recipes from green beans help your body to store energy, because it contains a lot of protein and carbohydrates, as well as calcium, vitamins, phosphorus and ballast substances. This vegetable helps digestion and strengthens the nerves.

In order to successfully implement recipes fromstring beans, it must be stored properly and be able to buy. When buying fresh green beans, crack one of them and see that the place of the fault was smooth and had a prominent juice. Fresh beans always have a fresh smell. This is a perishable product, so you better keep it frozen. In order to neutralize the harmful effect on the human body of the substance of phaeazine, which it contains, beans must be welded, fried or put out, that is, subjected to heat treatment.

Recipes collected a great variety: green beans with meat, with cheese, with stewed tomatoes. It is used to make soups, salads, second courses, in the form of side dishes and so on.

Here is an example of a delicious soup with oat beans andpotatoes. For a four-liter pot you will need half a kilogram of beef, as much potatoes, 300 grams of tomatoes and green beans, 150 grams of onions and carrots, 2 cloves of garlic, pepper and salt. So, you need to cut the meat in small cubes, add water and cook for an hour. At this time, finely chop the onion, and the carrots are rubbed on the middle grater, the tomatoes cut into cubes. First you need to fry the onions, then add the carrots to it, and then the tomatoes. All this fry for about seven minutes. In the broth add the potatoes, cut into cubes or cubes. After the potatoes, send the beans into the pan, and after seven minutes add your roast, salt and pepper to taste, and cook it until the potatoes are ready. At the very end, add garlic, squeezing it through garlic, turn off the gas and close the pan with a lid. Half an hour later, you can serve soup with greens.

Here is another option that will replenish yourrecipes from green beans. Take half a pound of pork or lamb, the same number of beans, 250 grams of chanterelles, 2 onions, 4 tomatoes, 2 eggs, a teaspoon of flour, 3 tablespoons of sour cream, 100 grams of grated cheese. Meat should be cut into small cubes, then fry it with tomatoes and onions, after - add the string beans and fry it all for about 15 minutes on a small fire. In another pan, fry 10 minutes mushrooms, sliced, put tomato paste, sour cream, eggs, spices and continue to simmer for another 5-7 minutes. Now mushrooms can be mixed with meat and beans, sprinkle it all with grated cheese and send to the oven for 10 minutes. This recipe is called Italian string bean.

So, you will definitely enjoy the dishes withgreen beans. They are dietary and easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, this bean plant has its fans on all continents without exception.

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