/ / Is it possible to store honey in the refrigerator and at what temperature should it be done?

Is it possible to store honey in the refrigerator and at what temperature should it be done?

Honey is the most valuable product of beekeeping, whichmust be included in your daily diet. Delicious, nutritious, containing a huge amount of vitamins, it helps to support the body in the winter, strengthen immunity, speed up recovery for colds. In the season, many seek to stock up on honey, while its cost is the most affordable. But then the question arises as to how to store this amazing product, and many suggest that it is best to remove it in the cold for better safety. Whether this is true, we will consider in detail in our article. Is it possible to store honey in a refrigerator, what utensils should I choose and how long will it retain its useful properties? Read all about this below.

can I store honey in the refrigerator

Choosing the right dishes

The length of storage depends on this, andthe quality of the product that you will consume throughout the season. Before answering, whether it is possible to store honey in the refrigerator, let's determine which dishes should be poured. The choice is great enough, you can use ceramic, nickel and enameled dishes. Surely many people suddenly come to mind with a wooden barrel of honey. This is a very convenient and environmentally friendly dish, but not every tree from which it is made will normally coexist with honey. For example, if it is coniferous, it can absorb the smell of resin, and in an oak barrel it will darken over time.

The ideal option for storage will be a vessel withdense lid of dark glass. Stainless steel cookware is good. Milk cans, tin cans, plastic buckets, aluminum foil cups can all be used to pour honey. Where to put the vessel and can I store honey in the refrigerator? Let's go directly to this.

Is it possible to store honey in the refrigerator

Dishes that are not suitable for storing honey

First of all you need to take care of the cleanlinessfuture containers. If it used to store honey, it does not mean that you can immediately fill in a new lot without washing the walls. A film of candied, long-lasting honey helps ferment a new one. As a result, it changes its taste and smell.

Since storing honey at home sometimesit takes many months, up to the next harvest, to remember that some metals can interact with it. The acids contained in honey react with zinc, copper, lead or alloys of these metals. As a result, chemical compounds are formed that can cause severe poisoning. Iron packaging is also a bad option, as the metal is corroded as a result of prolonged contact with acids. As a result, honey will get an unpleasant smell.

keep honey in the refrigerator

Storage conditions, temperature conditions

Is it possible to store honey in the refrigerator? Yes, if the correct temperature is set in it. This range from -6 to +20 degrees. Therefore, at room temperature it is not desirable to store it, since in apartments it can rise and above 25 degrees. At the same time, part of the vitamins is destroyed, and the healing properties are lost. In modern refrigerators it is possible to set a temperature of 0 degrees in a certain chamber and there to leave cans with honey. If the thermometer's column drops below, then the treat is quickly candied, but retains all useful properties.

honey should I store in the refrigerator

Important point

By the way, this can be a test of quality. If honey remains liquid at minus temperature, then it has been heated up a lot. This is a gross violation. When heated, at least half of its beneficial properties lose honey. Should I store it in the fridge? This is more likely due to your living conditions. If there is a cellar or a storage, where, as in modern refrigerators, a constant temperature is maintained, it is quite possible to use them. But in an apartment where there is no pantry, no cellar, other options are difficult to find.

how much can you store honey in the refrigerator


As you can see, you need not only to buy quality,a natural product, but also to preserve its properties. Whether honey is stored in the refrigerator, we have already discussed, this option can be ideal for most living quarters where there is nowhere else to create suitable conditions for it. And what if the camera is too small, or the volumes of harvested honey are very large? Then you have to choose another option.

Choose the darkest and coolest corner. It can be a cold insert or a cellar. If your winters are not too cold and the temperature on the closed balcony does not drop below -20, then you can use it. Such storage will not affect the taste and medicinal qualities. In winter, honey is mostly stored in a crystallized form.

why honey can not be stored in the refrigerator

Merchant neighborhood rules

If honey is spread on glass jars, thenit is necessary to darken the place of its storage. In the light it quickly darkens, which can worsen the quality of the product. Over 48 hours of continuous illumination of sunlight in honey, enzymes that have antimicrobial properties are completely destroyed.

Remember that the beekeeping product is very goodabsorbs odors. It is these arguments that lead some beekeepers, explaining why honey can not be stored in the refrigerator. In fact, salads or pastries do not have such a pungent smell, which could become noticeable in honey. This is more likely to apply to paint, acetone, kerosene and other caustic substances that are stored in cellars or barns. Therefore, before determining the honey for storage, check its neighbors.

how to store honey at home

Air humidity

And we continue to talk about whether it is possible to storehoney in the refrigerator. Why did we decide to remember the humidity? The fact is that honey is hygroscopic, it is able to absorb moisture from the air and hold it. In conditions of high humidity, being in an open dish, it is able to absorb about 30% moisture. It is clear that unscrupulous beekeepers can use this property, so you need to carefully choose suppliers. Such a product when stored in heat very quickly ferment and sour. That's why at home, it's easiest to store honey in the refrigerator. It's cool, dark, and the humidity is much lower than in the room. Necessarily the room where the sweet delicacy is stored, it is necessary to protect from insects. And in this case, the ideal choice is a refrigerator.

Terms of storage

In the market we are always assured that the honey is fresh,arguing that his physical condition. Because of this, we have the impression that liquid honey is a good product, and candied sugar is old or not very high quality. In fact, this is not so. Not all types of honey can retain a liquid form. The sunflower crystallizes just two months after the pitching, and other varieties can remain liquid from autumn until the very spring.

In the cold, honey retains its properties longer, butbecomes firm in a few days. However, talking about how much you can store honey in the refrigerator, you should remember about the purpose of this product. This is a food product for the whole bee family until the next harvest. Accordingly, its shelf life is a year. If you plan to eat a sweet treat throughout this period, then there is no big difference if you keep it in the refrigerator or in a darkened closet in the room at a temperature of up to +20. The nature itself is calculated that it will fully retain its properties until the future harvest.


Most often this product is placed inrefrigerator, so that liquid honey does not flow out of the honeycomb. After all, there is nothing more delicious than fresh honeycomb, up to the very top filled with fragrant honey. However, keeping them for a long time is not particularly difficult. It is necessary to cut the honeycomb into pieces and pack in clean containers, top with lids. Such honey is best kept in a dark, cool room. In the refrigerator, honey will harden and partially lose its charm. However, if there is no other option, set the temperature from 0 to +4 degrees in one of the refrigerator compartments.

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