/ / Plant parsley. Benefit and harm

Plant parsley. Benefit and harm

Fresh greens from time immemorial usedin cooking. It perfectly decorates any dish, complementing its taste. Particular importance in this regard is attached to parsley. This plant, which belongs to the umbrella family, was formerly valued in gold.

Parsley, the benefit and harm of which were knownfor a long time, was used by healers as a medicinal drug, which allows one to get rid of various ailments. Due to its invaluable qualities, the plant is widely used in cooking, cosmetology and folk medicine.

Parsley, the composition of which is rich in acids andvitamins, promotes antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic and healing effects on the human body. Folk doctors successfully apply the roots, seeds, leaves and juice of this healing plant.

Parsley, the benefit and harm of which are known sinceimmemorial times, serves as an excellent natural antiseptic. The plant promotes the rapid healing of very deep cuts, as well as purulent wounds. It also helps with conjunctivitis. Parsley fresh gives healing juice, which is recommended in the absence of appetite. In addition, when it is used, the acidity of the stomach rises. In this case, patients should take inside one tablespoon of juice before eating.

fresh parsley
Dried parsley, the benefit and harm of which shouldbe well studied before its use, used for cooking broths. These drugs have a diuretic effect, reduce weight and swelling, and also contribute to the purification of the kidneys and liver. Decoctions of curative plants are treated with hypertension and atherosclerosis. They help restore the broken menstrual cycle and eliminate bleeding gums. To prepare a decoction, add two tablespoons of parsley to one liter of ordinary water, bring the mixture to a boil, cool it and strain it. In this case, this product is great for different applications (external and internal).

parsley composition
Successfully used and parsley seeds. They help to avoid baldness and eliminate lice. Plant seeds in this case find their application in the form of an ointment. It is applied to the hair or scalp. To prepare the ointment, a mixture consisting of two tablespoons of seeds and two hundred grams of water is brought to a gruel-like state.

Infusion from the root of parsley dilutes the blood andstrengthens the immune system. For its preparation, take two hundred and fifty milliliters of boiling water, which is poured into 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials. The infusion should be left for seven to eight hours in a warm place.

As a cosmetic parsley is used to whiten and smooth the skin of the face. The plant is used in the form of masks and lotions.
Parsley, the benefit and harm of which is known to everyonepopular medicine, is not recommended for women during pregnancy. When it is used on the kidneys there is an increased load, which is undesirable for expectant mothers. In a lot of parsley should not be in the menu for hypotension. It is undesirable to use the products on the basis of this plant and allergies, since such drugs can provoke an exacerbation of pathology. The damage to parsley is also manifested when it is improperly grown. It is not necessary to eat a plant that was grown in areas near the road.

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