/ / Banquet halls in Petrozavodsk: addresses, services, features

Banquet halls in Petrozavodsk: addresses, services, features

Banquet halls of Petrozavodsk usepopularity with local residents. What is usually noted here? Graduation parties, weddings, jubilee dates and other memorable events. After reading the article, you can choose a banquet room in Petrozavodsk, which will meet all your expectations. We begin.

banquet halls of Petrozavodsk

Services provided to visitors

What are the best banquet halls in Petrozavodsk? We suggest you familiarize yourself with the services that they provide to visitors:

  • organization and holding of various celebrations and holidays;
  • a varied and tasty menu;
  • a place for a disco;
  • services of the presenter, photographer and videographer;
  • decoration of rooms in accordance with the wishes of customers;
  • compilation and calculation of the menu for one person and a large company;
  • providing high-quality equipment;
  • compositions of fresh flowers;
  • drape chairs and tables;
  • exit registrations;
  • services of waiters;
  • preparation and carrying out of the entertaining program and many other things.

Banquet halls of Petrozavodsk

There are enough places in the city, inwho can hold a wedding or organize a chic banquet. Further we will introduce you to the best banquet halls in Petrozavodsk. What criteria did we use to select the institutions? First of all, positive feedback from visitors. Next, we paid attention to the quality of service and the variety of services that are provided in this institution. Also in our review were those banquet halls of Petrozavodsk, in which very tasty and variously prepared.


From this name it blows champagne, a holiday andfun. And indeed, this banquet hall in Petrozavodsk justifies all the expectations of customers. In the center of the city there is a very cozy and bright establishment in which it is possible to mark any event perfectly. To its merits, you can also include: a delicious and varied menu, high quality of prepared dishes, quality service, lack of rent and discounts for the decoration of the hall. For an additional fee you will prepare a seating plan for guests and a numbering of tables, as well as helium ballooning. The address of the institution is Suojarvskaya, 5.

banquet halls of Petrozavodsk photo


In the oldest and biggest restaurant of the cityvisitors are waiting for five banquet halls. In each of them entertainment programs are broadcast, live music is sounded, children's menu is offered. Every season new dishes from European, Russian and Karelian cuisine are prepared. For visitors, they offer hookahs, business lunches, grilled dishes and much more. There is a restaurant "Severny" on Lenin, 21.


In Petrozavodsk along Kuybyshev street, house 26hotel "Onego Palace" is located. On the second floor of this establishment are some of the best banquet halls in the city. The interior is decorated in a classic style, panoramic windows and a summer terrace offer stunning views of the city and its surroundings. Employees of the institution are always ready to come to the rescue with great willingness and will give the necessary advice on the arrangement and conduct of an important event. The average bill per person will be from 1000 rubles.

banquet halls petrozavodsk reviews


A varied menu of this banquet hallPetrozavodsk (reviews about it are positive) can satisfy the demands of even the most sophisticated gourmets. And the beautiful views from the windows create a romantic mood. The situation is calm and elegant, it allows you to mark any event here. The address of the restaurant is the Gülling embankment, 2. The average bill is from 1000 rubles.

Banquet hall of Petrozavodsk "Gorka"

A large number of townspeople are recommended forcarrying out of banquets the entertaining center which is to the address - Lososinsky highway, 17 B. Than them so the given institution so involves? High quality of service, variety of entertainment programs, visiting weddings, rental of ski equipment and snowboards, beautiful decoration of the halls and an amazing atmosphere. You will find here two banquet halls, cozy mangal houses, a scenic playground for solemn ceremonies.

Banquet halls Petrozavodsk Slides


Photo of banquet halls of Petrozavodsk,presented in the article, clearly demonstrate that they meet the highest expectations of visitors. Employees of institutions, discussed above, will help turn your holiday into a real miracle.

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