/ / Cherry in own juice: cooking features and recipes

Cherry in own juice: cooking features and recipes

Cherry in its own juice - it's beautifulblank. It is perfect for pies and dumplings. In addition, there will be an opportunity to prepare an excellent compote or simply eat this wonderful berry fresh in the winter.

Billets from cherries can be made very quickly, andthe main thing - without the use of any preservatives. The fact is that in its fruits there is a sufficient amount of its own acid, thanks to which the preparation does not deteriorate throughout the whole winter.

Only if you remove the bones, thenit turns out a natural cherry in its own juice. Preserving it will be very simple. But there is one difficult moment that needs to be paid close attention. This is the extraction of pits, if there is no specialized device. Let us dwell on this in more detail.

We choose only fresh and ripe berries, theirsoak for one hour in cold water. Next, remove the stems, if any. With the help of a toothpick, a bent clip or even a nail polish we start to pull out a bone. For this we insert them into the hole, we hook the bone and pull it out like a ladle. The process will be fairly simple. The main thing - you need to practice a little.

Cherry in its own juice. Option one

Pour the cherry with cool water for one hour. Next - to remove from each berry its bone. If the spoiled come across, they will need to be thrown out, as they can spoil the whole workpiece. The best ripe and beautiful fruits are recommended for selection for conservation. Fold them in enameled dishes.

Further, the pitted fruits are spread over the cans,pour the juice that remained in the pan, and cover them with lids. We put all the sterilized. In order to do this, you need a large saucepan. On its bottom put a stand, or to lay it with a dense fabric, which is folded into six layers. Next, install the jars, pour cold water into the pan in such a way that the liquid does not reach the very neck by two centimeters. In this case, the water will not fall into the jar during boiling.

Put the pan on fire, give the opportunitysterilize half a liter containers for fifteen minutes, and liter - at least twenty. Next, pull out the cans, tightly cork with boiled lids. Turn them over, put them upside down. Leave in this position until it cools. The cherry should be stored in its own juice in the basement. For the same purpose, a cool storage room is suitable.

Cherry in its own juice. Option Two

The berries will need to remove the ossicles describedabove way. Further in the enameled ware we pour the fruit with sugar. It is recommended to keep the following proportion: a kilogram of cherries needs a glass of sweet seasoning. We leave the workpiece for twelve hours so that the berry can permeate with sugar and allocate the maximum amount of juice. Then put the pan on fire, bring to a boiling state.

At this time, sterilize the jars. To do this, wash them with boiling water and hold for several minutes over boiling water.

Next, decompose the berries into cans and pourreleased during the preparation of juice. Immediately roll up the boiled lids, turn the bottom up. We enclose the cans with a thick towel or with a blanket. We wait for them to cool completely and send the stock for storage. This can be done even at room temperature, because, in addition to acid, it also contains sugar.

In general, the preparation of canned cherries in their own juice is very simple. Since it is very well kept, it is possible to prepare and more delicacies.

Bon Appetit!

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