/ / Recipe risotto with chicken - an Italian dinner at your home.

Recipe risotto with chicken - an Italian dinner at your home.

Ah, Italy! The country is all known Romeo and Juliet, a country of romantics and lovers. A dream for travelers, opening before them wonderful landscapes and hospitable people. A nice little Italian restaurants, ready to surprise guests with their unforgettable cuisine! Pizza, pasta, lasagna, carpaccio and many other dishes will be offered to you in Italy. We'll arrange an Italian dinner with you. I suggest you the recipe "Risotto with chicken".

Risotto - a dish that appeared in Italian cuisinerecently. It was first heard about in the 19th century. And it appeared in Northern Italy. And what kind of cook it occurred to prepare a risotto and so to name it, it is unknown. One thing I can say for sure - he is grateful to all of Italy. I think once you have cooked Risotto with chicken, you will never forget this recipe and you will definitely become a fan of Italian cuisine.

What is risotto? Risotto is a dish made from rice of certain varieties with the addition of meat, chicken, seafood or vegetables. To prepare risottos take exactly rich in starch rice. For example, it can be rice of such varieties as: carnoroli or arborio. And if you have a miracle supermarket in which you have everything, then you can buy a vialon nano variety. And if you can find problems with finding carnorols and vialon nano, then I think it's easy to find arborio rice.

There are many options for cooking risotto, but in thisthe main thing is that in the end it turns out creamy consistency. The ready dish should be "fluid", the Italians call this state of risotto one word "all'onda", which means "wave".

Here's what you need to implementrecipe "Risotto with chicken": rice (we will take a common grade of arborio) - 200 grams, chicken (preferably chicken) - 1 kg, onion (white) - 2 pieces, small stalk of celery, carrots -1 piece, white wine (semi-dry ) 200 ml, butter 130 grams, cheese of hard varieties, you can parmesan - 50 grams, salt and a mixture of peppers add to taste.

What is the difference between the recipe "Risotto with chicken" fromcooking other dishes from rice? In the fact that first you need to fry rice in olive or butter. Here you have to choose. Fry rice not in a frying pan, but in a saucepan, literally for a few minutes (up to 5 minutes) stirring constantly. We leave the pan with rice for now.

Carefully, so as not to hit any small bones, separate the chicken meat from the bones. Cut it into small pieces.

Chicken bones, one peeled bulb (whole),stalk of celery and carrots put in a pan, pour water (1 liter) and cook broth. After boiling broth do not forget to salt and pepper it. Boil broth should be on a quiet fire for about 30 minutes.

While boiling broth do not sit around. Fry the chicken meat in a frying pan along with the diced onion until a ruddy, golden brown crust. When the chicken is browned, pour the wine on the frying pan and keep on the fire until the liquid evaporates. This usually takes 15-20 minutes over medium heat.

We send chicken and onions to fried rice andstirring. Broth and add portions in batches (in three stages) in Fig. Risotto is cooked on low heat. Add the first portion of the broth (so that it covers the rice), and stir constantly until rice absorbs the broth. When rice has absorbed the broth, add a second portion of the broth, we stir and wait until the rice is again filled with broth. We also do the third portion of the broth. At the end of the cooking, add the grated cheese in a saucepan and mix well. Give risotto a little "rest" under the lid and after 5 minutes you can serve it to guests on plates decorated with green salad leaves or greens that you like.

If you prefer beef to chicken,you can cook risotto with beef. Take the beef on the bone (600-800 grams). We do with beef as well as with chicken. Only in order to boil the broth will need more water (take 1.5 liters). All other stages of cooking risotto are similar to those written above.

Recipe "Risotto with chicken" will take a worthy place in your cookbook!

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