/ / Squash: caloric content, composition, useful properties

Courgettes: caloric content, composition, useful properties

Courgettes refer to those amazing vegetables,which have the ability to quickly saturate the body, while remaining a dietary product. They do not cause allergies, so they are used in nutrition of children of the earliest age. The useful properties of zucchini make them indispensable in the diet of the elderly, because they have a beneficial effect on the blood composition, reduce the cholesterol in the blood, improve the performance of the liver and kidneys.

zucchini caloric content
Zucchini, caloric content of which is minimal, withsuccess are used in many diets. In addition, their ability to remove excess fluid in the body can significantly reduce body volume. With such an active diuretic action, the accumulated toxins, salts, cholesterol and other vital products are excreted. Zucchini favorably affect the mucous membranes, so welcome in the diet of people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. They are useful in diabetes, obesity and dysbiosis.

Zucchini, caloric content of which (in 100 g in freshform) is no more than 27 kcal, have a rich chemical composition. Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, sulfur, lithium and many other trace elements can be found in this wonder vegetable. It is noteworthy that they are more than 90 percent water. Nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid, B vitamins and others contain such useful zucchini. Caloric content of low level allows to use them in the diet for a long time. All substances in zucchini contribute to protein digestion and normalize metabolic processes in the body.

stewed zucchini caloric content
It is recommended to eat vegetables in an immature form,when the concentration of nutrients is maximal. You need to eat everything: both the peel and the seeds. Young zucchini, calorie, tender taste and stunning properties that allow you to use them in fresh form, like even children. You can use this product as an additional component to a vegetable salad. Surprisingly, the taste of the young zucchini has a nutty hue and is reminiscent of an avocado.

In our country, it is customary to eat zucchini after heat treatment. We fry them, stew them, cook caviar from them, use them for

fried zucchini calorie
cooking soups, sauces, etc. Of course, the theory of the dietary properties of the vegetable is immediately questioned, because when cooking we use oils. If you decide to cook stewed zucchini, their calorie content will not increase significantly as a result of cooking, but on condition that you used the vegetable oil in the minimum amount. If you fill the prepared dish with mayonnaise, you can immediately say goodbye to the dietary composition.

Have you decided to cook fried zucchini? Their caloric content immediately triples. This is due to the fact that during the frying process they absorb a lot of vegetable oil. Therefore, if you are striving for the acquisition of ideal forms, this way of cooking will have to be abandoned. It is better to leave this venture up to some celebration or a holiday, and bring the daily diet to the diet menu.

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