/ / Carrots Recipe for Korean

Carrots Recipe for Korean

One of the most common salads iscarrots in Korean. It is sold in many shops, but often it is completely tasteless. And having spent your money, you understand that it is absolutely in vain. Therefore, it is best to cook it yourself. Carrots in Korean will be exactly the way you want and will cost you less. In addition, you can choose a recipe that is better for you and for a long time to provide yourself with this delicious dish. Of great importance is the choice of seasoning for Korean carrots. Their choice is very wide and there can be caught one that will spoil the whole taste of the salad. Nevertheless, you do not need to experiment and choose seasonings yourself. It is better to try the ready-made mixtures and choose the right one. How to cook Korean carrots? What recipes are there?

Carrots recipe in Korean

Ingredients: 1.5 kg. carrots, it is desirable that the carrot was large, smooth and juicy, vinegar 4 - 5 table. tablespoons, 2 - 3 table. tablespoons sugar, table. a spoonful of salt, seasoning for Korean carrots, half a cup of vegetable oil and a garlic head.

Cooking method:

For cooking, we need a specialgrater for Korean carrots. Shink on it fresh carrots. In this case, it is desirable to press the carrot harder, so that the straw turns out to be larger. After this, it must be wrung out strongly, so that the juice appears and it becomes softer. Then add salt, sugar and spices. Pour oil and vinegar. We press garlic with the help of the garlick and also add it to the carrot. Then mix, cover with a lid, put oppression on top and clean it for a day in the refrigerator. After that, the carrots are mixed and spread on glass jars. Carrots can already be eaten, but it is better to wait a few more days.

Carrots recipe in Korean

Ingredients: 1 kg. carrots, 3 tablespoons of vinegar, 3 cloves of garlic, 5 tablespoons olive oil, chayn. spoon of paprika, salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking method: Shinkuem carrot straws, then add salt to it and leave for 10 minutes under the yoke. Carrots thrown in a colander and washed in running water. Then squeeze and put in an enameled container. Through the garlick we press 3 cloves of garlic and add it to the carrots. Fill the 3 table. spoon 9% vinegar, mix.

On a cast-iron frying pan heated olive oil. Add a teaspoon of paprika and fry for about a minute. Cut and fry the onion until it turns golden. We filter the oil through gauze, pour it into carrots, mix it, cover it and leave it for a day in a cool place.

Carrots recipe in Korean

Ingredients: 5 carrots, 4 table. spoons of vegetable oil, and a half table. spoons of 3% vinegar, 4 cloves of garlic, seasoning for carrots in Korean, salt.

Cooking method:

On a special grater for cooking Koreancarrots rub 5 carrots. Solim to taste, after which we leave for half an hour. After that, squeeze the carrots, and drain the juice. Sunflower oil mixed with vinegar, bring to a boil and pour into carrots. We slice the garlic cloves through the garlic and add it together with the seasoning into the carrot. All mixed and put for 5 hours in a cool place.

Carrots recipe in Korean

Ingredients: half a kilo of carrots, 50 ml. vegetable oil, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 table. spoons of 9% vinegar, red pepper, sugar, salt, coriander.

Cooking method:

Using a special grater shred carrots. In the resulting carrot straw we add salt, sugar, red pepper, coriander and vinegar. Then we mix everything. Garlic squeezes through the garlick. We make a slide from the carrot and put garlic on top.

In the pan, we warm up the vegetable oil and pour it onto the garlic. After that, we mix everything and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

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