/ / Bisque sauce: cooking recipes

Bisque sauce: cooking recipes

Biscuit sauce is a simple dish that you cancook yourself, spending a little time. The main problem of its preparation lies in the search for quality products, as well as in observing all proportions. This sauce is ideal for dishes from fish and seafood. As a side dish it is necessary to serve mashed potatoes. So, how to cook biscuit sauce?

biscuit sauce

Recipe with whiskey

To prepare a bisque sauce, you will need:

  1. 500 g of purified carrots.
  2. 300 g onion.
  3. 300 g of tomato paste.
  4. 150 g of leeks.
  5. 150 g celery.
  6. 250 grams of fresh tomato.
  7. 30 g of sugar.
  8. 500 g of shrimp shells.
  9. 100 ml of vegetable oil.
  10. 20 g butter from cream.
  11. Pepper, laurel leaf, salt.
  12. 15 grams of peeled garlic.
  13. 50 ml of whiskey.
  14. 2 liters of water.

How to cook

All vegetables are recommended to be fried. In this mixture it is necessary to add crushed shrimp shells. Fry the food for another 10 minutes, stirring regularly. To add tomato paste. Stew everything in 6 minutes. In the container with the sauce you need to pour in water. After 20 minutes in a mass of whiskey and spices added. Cook the sauce for another 5 minutes. After that, remove the container with the mass from the heat and leave for half an hour. The mixture must be infused. Finally, the mass should be wiped through a sieve.

sauce bisk recipe

Recipe recommendations

To get a tasty sauce bisque from the shells of shrimp, you must follow several rules:

  1. Before cooking, the shells should be roasted on a dry baking sheet in the oven.
  2. Vegetables must be stewed until completely ready.
  3. The sauce should turn out thick.
  4. For the mass to easily rub through the sieve,it is recommended to pre-beat it in a blender. At the same time do not remove the shell. In the sieve put gauze, pre-folded in 2-3 layers. Mass pour in a sieve and gently wipe.
  5. If the sauce after the wipe turned liquid, you should put it on the fire and evaporate a little. At the same time the hostess should regularly mix.
  6. Ready sauce can be frozen. It is perfectly kept. To make the base sauce, you need to add cream. At the same time, the percentage of their fat content should be between 33 and 38. It is not recommended to frost with cream.

Bisque sauce: variant with brandy

To prepare the dish you will need:

  1. 1 kg of shrimp shells.
  2. 250 g of tomatoes in its own juice.
  3. 1 onion head.
  4. 1 carrot.
  5. 1 stalk of sage.
  6. 2 stalks of celery.
  7. 2 tbsp. spoons of brandy.
  8. 50 ml of olive oil.
  9. Black pepper and salt.

shrimp shell sauce

Stages of preparation

To prepare a bisque sauce, wash itshells of shrimp, and then chop them. Celery, onions and carrots must be cleaned, washed, chopped and fried in olive oil with sage. Add the chopped shrimp shells, spices and salt to the resulting mass. Fry food for 2 more minutes.

After the specified time, the mixture needs to be filled with brandy. Alcohol should be completely evaporated. After that, add the water and tomatoes in your own juice to the sauce. Mass to bring to a boil, and then put out for 40 minutes. Ready biscuit sauce should be removed from the fire and left in a closed container. The mixture should stand a little. Finally, it is recommended to rub the mass in a blender.

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