/ / Is glutamate sodium harmful or not? Amplifier of taste of glutamate sodium E621

Is glutamate sodium harmful or not? Amplifier of taste of glutamate sodium E621

At the present time no one is surprised that,why on the shelves of grocery stores and supermarkets lies a huge amount of goods containing dyes, sweeteners, flavors and other "chemistry". Unfortunately, today's food producers do not care much about the health of consumers. And nevertheless, there is a category of buyers who, for example, are interested in the following question: "Is sodium glutamate harmful or not?" Let's consider it in more detail.

What we know about the E621

Glutamate sodium is harmful or not

Before you figure it out, glutamate sodiumharmful or not, it is necessary to answer this question: "What is this chemical compound?" It is just a powdery substance of white color, which is the most popular food additive worldwide, and it has many names: sodium glutamate, veijin, umami, E621 . The ingredients contained in it make it possible to impart an amazing taste to even the very friest.

It should be emphasized that E621 (glutamatesodium) has no smell, no taste, but if this component is added to mushrooms, meat or seafood, then their taste will increase at times. However, he does not exercise such fruits, sweets and chicken eggs.

There is no unanimous opinion

To date, the question of whether glutamatesodium is harmful or not, remains open. Back in the 70s of the last century, it was widely discussed among the scientific community, but the experts did not come to a common opinion.

Amplifier of taste of glutamate sodium e621

Initially, the experts came to the conclusion thatthe use of E621 provokes the development of a number of ailments, and even a theory has been developed according to which Eastern dishes, in which minds are added almost always, cause an allergic reaction among Europeans in the form of symptoms such as nausea, dizziness and chills.

Considering the question of whether glutamate sodium is harmfulor not, you can not say that this food additive is a part of many condiments. The most popular example is -Vegeta. Such a seasoning no one dares to call harmful to health.

Where is produced

The main supplier of minds is Japan. Most residents of the Land of the Rising Sun prefer to eat this additive, and it is known that they are long-livers.

Element E621 is harmless?

Some experts have no doubt that sodium glutamate, the formula of which is C5R8NO4Na * H2O, does not cause any harm to health. It is only an enhancer of the taste, rehabilitating the aromas that have weakened as a result of prolonged storage.

The taste of sodium glutamate

Despite the fact that the taste of sodium glutamate is not pronounced, it has another positive property - it oxidizes fats, so that food does not have rancidity.

Very interesting is the fact that in due timeSoviet scientists developed a special vitamin "Glutamevit", which included E621. He was created to make it easier for a person to cope with stress and depressive states. Moreover, the development was successfully tested on schoolchildren, with the help of which they began to better absorb the curriculum.

However, one should not forget that the taste enhancer of glutamate sodium E621 does not have any vitamins, so when using it for food, you need to know the extent.

E621 has a negative impact on health?

e621 - sodium glutamate

Physicians have a point of view, according towhose minds are harmful to human health. Its supporters argue that the above additive causes dependence, which provokes the desire to eat as much as possible products containing E621. In this case, an increase in the concentration of vejcin in the body leads to a violation of the balance between antioxidants and pro-oxidants, disorders of the digestive system and a set of excess weight.

Is glutamate sodium always harmful?

It should be emphasized that the sodium salt of E621is produced in the body of every person. Such foods as milk, fish, meat, soy, algae, mushrooms, even in small doses, but contain minds. At the same time, no one put food additive in them by artificial means. This circumstance only confirms the fact that in small amounts of veijin does not cause any harm to health.

The main thing is balance

The human body functions in such a way,that if some trace elements are not involved in the process of vital activity, then they are transformed into others and are postponed "in reserve". However, such a rule extends only to a certain part of the E621 salts. The excess of the food additive, especially produced by artificial means, which also contains toxic impurities, can indeed provoke pathological pathologies dangerous for health.

Once again on the harm of sodium glutamate

It should be noted that physicians of many countriesrepeatedly asked WHO to impose a ban on the use of E621. In their opinion, this food additive negatively affects the health of asthmatics. Also, advocates of the theory of the dangers of sodium glutamate are convinced that this taste enhancer worsens the functions of the retina, which can provoke glaucoma. However, there are no scientific grounds for such arguments.

glutamate sodium formula

The only thing that can be reliably said,so it's that the E621 provokes obesity on condition of an overabundance. It is noteworthy that when our language senses the above food additive, the taste buds receive a signal that the food that has got into the mouth contains protein, which means that it is nutritious. In fact, there is no protein, but the human body believes otherwise, and requires more and more of these dishes.

Physicians also argue that the minds provokethe production of insulin by the pancreas, while the concentration of carbohydrates entering the body together with E621 is negligible. As a result, the sugar content in the blood decreases and you are again seized with a feeling of hunger.

Today almost every manufacturer"Fast food" uses in the production of sodium glutamate. It is thanks to this food supplement that a person has a habit of dining at fast food outlets. Over time, these people begin to put salt in their body. To avoid such negative consequences for health, one should not remember: the taste enhancer of glutamate sodium E621 should be used in moderation.

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