/ / The Apple, Honey, Walnut - national or Christian holidays?

Savior of the apple, honey, nut - popular or Christian holidays?

In the celebration of apple, honey and nutSpasov intertwines Christian and folk traditions. On the one hand, these holidays have been crowned with the harvesting of various fruits of agriculture and the gifts of the earth. On the other hand, Christian, every Spas is celebrated in honor of the Savior - Jesus Christ. Is it possible to build a border between these traditions? The question is rhetorical. But to learn about when the honey and apple Spas are celebrated, it will not be difficult.

Honey will strengthen your health

saved apple honey nut
Savior of the apple, honey, nut. And yet in the first place it would be necessary to put the Honey Spas. It is celebrated first, its celebration falls on August 14. At this time, the bees finish filling the hives with honey, and it is already possible, having been consecrated in the church, there is. The people believed that honey, consecrated on the day of the Savior, will help cope with various diseases, it strengthens health. This honey is stored for a long time. And it is important to eat every morning on an empty stomach a piece of bread with honey. If a quarrel arises in the family, you have to make tea, add a teaspoon of consecrated honey and drink it with the whole family.

The day of the Honey Savior celebrates the day of memorymartyrs of the Macques. Therefore the second name of the first Savior is poppy. In the church, besides honey, they also consecrate poppies. And then bake all kinds of pies with poppy and honey. By the way, with the honey spas begins the most pleasant post, on this day poppy pies or pancakes are served on the table. It is called the post of Uspensky in honor of the Assumption of the Virgin. It lasts until August 28.

In addition, water is also consecrated in the church of the Savior in the church, as on this day in 988 Russia was baptized with water from the Dnieper, and the first Spas for this reason is also called the water or wet Savior.

From the Honey Savior in the people began seeing the summer, as well as harvesting.

when the honey and apple saved
The Savior of Apple, Honey, Nut ... The second by dateSpas stands in the first place. Why? Because it is considered more significant. The Apple Savior is always on the 19th of August and is celebrated along with the Transfiguration of the Lord - the phenomenon of the Divine majesty of Jesus Christ before his disciples: Peter, John and Jacob. During their joint prayer, Jesus' face shone with the light of heaven, and the clothes became whiter than snow. Then the prophets Moses and Elijah appeared. They spoke with Jesus about his outcome, which will soon take place in Jerusalem. Jesus forbade his disciples to talk about what happened until he resurrected, as it was intended.

On that day, after the church service,consecration of fruits, mostly apples. Therefore, the people of the Transfiguration Day called the apple Savior. It is believed that only after the apple Savior can you collect apples, bake pies and make jam from apples.

The Second Savior marks the beginning of autumn, andconducts a kind of boundary between summer and autumn agricultural work. The villagers before the Transfiguration tried to prepare the land for sowing, so that after the holiday it was possible to sow winter crops, and also start digging potatoes.

Nut or bread

saved honey apple nuts 2013
Savior of apple, honey, walnut ... The last in this list is always Savior nuts, because it is celebrated after honey and apple, namely - on August 29.

The third Spas was installed in honor ofThe miraculous image of Jesus Christ. According to the legend, on the piece of cloth, which after washing was wiped off Christ, his face was imprinted. With the help of this image, he received a cure for the leprosy Avgar, who ruled in the Syrian city of Edessa. This image was preserved for a long time in Edessa, but was later transferred to Constantinople. This event is dedicated to the holiday, it is also called the Savior on canvas. He also has two names: bread and nut. Because at this time the nuts are ripening and the harvest of bread is coming to an end. In many villages and villages spent during the third Savior's reins and baked pies from the grain of the new crop.

In all cities of Russia, the Savior of Honey, Apple,Nutty 2013 was marked by fairs and exhibitions of the best varieties of honey, apples, nuts and other various gifts of our land. Part of Russian culture is considered to be folk festivals, organized during these holidays. And the delicacies prepared by folk craftsmen on these festivals, as a rule, can not be counted.

Savior of the apple, honey, nut - three holidays,but at the same time the time of the Assumption fast, beginning on August 14 and ending on August 28. It even got the name Spasovka, since it starts during the honey spas, its middle falls on the apple Savior, and the ending - on the nut Spas. But thanks to a lot of vegetables and fruits, it is considered easy for believers and ends with the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.

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