/ / The clue as to which the dog dreamed will give Miller's dream book

The clue to what the dog dreamed will give Miller's dream book

Dogs are amazing creatures and are considered the mostdevoted to human animals. They guard the house. Tend of their affability and love in the eyes, when, for example, funny wag their tail and rush to "cuddle" to the owner who returned home.

Dogs are characterized by a relatively developed intellect and high efficiency, which is why they are part of the "workers" in the service of the military, police, fire and other structures.

had a dream dog

Sometimes they are in a dream. It becomes curious why the dog dreamed that it is predicted that this noble beast will visit our dreams. The hand reaches out to the dream book to find out the meaning of this "sign".

Today, for the "decoding" of dreams, we offer a mass of all sorts of dream books. What can tell on the topic "why did the dog dream", for example, the interpreter of dreams, whose author is Gustav Miller?

The solution of dreams by Miller

Miller's dream book belongs to the category of authoritative publications that passed "fire and water" on their way to popularity, successfully overcoming all the "thorns" of criticism.

Miller's dream interpretation is based on a theory that represents the human brain as a huge storehouse of interrelated but randomly scattered and not systematized information.

Sometimes in the minds of the message for the firstthe view of a chaotic structure and an incomprehensible meaning. Most often, it happens during a dive into a dream. But Miller argues that the apparent illogicality of night visions is in fact a logical and reasonable chain of messages to the body. You just need to learn how to decipher such brain signals sent from the subconscious.

As a result, you can understand the nature of the origin of a dream, to understand the reasons for its occurrence. And even thanks to sleep to predict future events.

This is the point of view of Miller - a man who has devoted a lot of time to collecting, analyzing, revealing similar causal connections and the consequences of dreams of many people.

interpretation of dreams dog

Seeing the dog - what Miller says about

Interpretation of dreams, the dog in which - the main "heroine", Miller describes as follows.

If the dog had a sickly look, a skinny, dirty, barely dragging leg, it's like a warning about possible illnesses or failures.

Tired dog barking in a dream - to sad news.

Caused a strong fright with a huge dogis interpreted for men as an impending exacerbation of the desire to get rid of the surrounding grayness, illiteracy, rudeness and rise above it. Women such a dream promises to marry a decent man.

interpretation of dreams dog

If the dog dreamed, snarling behind his back, thenIt is worthwhile to be vigilant, attentive to gossips and intriguers among friends. Perhaps they are preparing to disclose some details of the personal life of the sleeper.

Trying to escape from the pursuing spiteful dogspeaks of the need to mobilize all forces in order to achieve victory in this or that struggle with life's circumstances. If the final of the dream was marked by a successful escape from the dog-pursuer, then this is a good sign, promising success.

dreamed of a black dog

Disappointment in a friend because of his refusal to help in trouble can overtake the person who dreamed of a black dog.

The dog's bite marks strained relations with the spouse or business partners.

The many-headed dog warns that it is not worthwhile to undertake many tasks - it makes sense to concentrate on the most important tasks, so as not to drown in the hectic.

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