/ / Signs on the Apple Savior (August 19). Divination, traditions, rituals

Signs on the Apple Savior (August 19). Divination, traditions, rituals

The Second Savior, who is called Apple,is celebrated on August 19. This event does not go unnoticed among people. Apple Savior, signs and beliefs that are relevant to this day, is known for the fact that on this day all fortune-telling, as a rule, turns out to be truthful.

A bit about the holiday

The Apple Savior is a sign that the warm orThe hot summer gradually gives way to a cooler autumn. On this day it is necessary to harvest. Observant people notice that on August 19 it becomes cool, and birds and animals, feeling the approach of cold weather, begin to behave cautiously and fussily.

The Savior is Jesus Christ, that is the Saviorof the human race. It was thanks to him that the holiday got such a name. Traditions, customs, rituals and signs for the Apple Savior (August 19) are very diverse. If you are observant enough and believe in magic, you can see how due to observance of all the rules your life will change for the better.

Signs on the Apple Savior on August 19

Signs on the Apple Savior for Luck

There are many signs that say that soon luck will visit your life. Here are the most popular of them:

  • If on August 19 a fly sat down on your hand twice,then luck will haunt you for a year. It is noted that even if you do not like flies, you should be patient and wait until the insect flies away.
  • If you treat a poor or a poor person this day, then next year you can expect a good harvest.

A lot of signs that exist on the Apple Savior are dedicated to women.

Apple Savior: signs, conspiracies

Signs for women

A lot of new and even mystical comes with a beautiful floor for the Apple Savior. The signs for women, observance of which helps not to commit sins, are as follows:

  • As everyone knows, Adam and Eve were banished from paradisebecause of one eaten apple. After Easter and before the Apple Savior, a woman should not eat apples, so as not to violate God's commandment. If a girl breaks this tradition, she will take a heavy sin.
  • A woman should not come to church in a skirt above the knee or with her head uncovered. This means disobeying the laws of the Lord.

Such traditions have existed for a long time onThe Apple Savior. Signs for women occupy a special place in the celebration of this holiday, as it is the fair sex who are the keepers of the hearth and provide family comfort.

There are also many popular beliefs that help to predict the further course of events.

Apple Savior: signs for women

Apple Savior: signs, conspiracies

People's beliefs are not limited to signs forwomen. For example, there is a tradition that obliges on this day to eat an apple with honey. This will help you improve your health and will give you strength for a whole year. Besides:

  • On this day, it is customary to harvest peas and apples.
  • For good luck to follow you, prepare for the Apple Savior dishes, which includes apples.
  • If you do not harvest cereals before August 19, then after this day all weather conditions will harm him.
  • After August 19, the weather will be much colder.
  • If the Apple Spas is hot, then the winter will not be very snowy, and if it's cold, expect cold and snow.

In addition, there are several conspiracies and fortune-telling, which are often resorted to by young girls on this day:

  • Cut the red ripe apple to equalhalf, between them, put a note with the name of the person whom you sympathize with. Place the apple on the windowsill and see which half of the first will start to deteriorate and darken. If the right one, then the person you are interested in does not feel warm feelings for you, and if the left one, then most likely your loved one will soon take the initiative for your rapprochement.
  • If you want to conduct a ceremony that will show,Will your dream come true, take 3 apples of different colors. Let one be red, the second - yellow, and the third - green. Put the fruit in one container. Imagine that your desire has come true. Do it in colors. After that, take one apple out of the box. If you find red, then your wish will come true, and this performance will not take long. If the apple is yellow, then you will have to make some effort to realize your dream. If you pulled out a green fruit, then your desire is not fated to come true.

You can not only guess at the Apple Savior. Signs, conspiracies, and rites are also popular among believers.

Apple Savior: signs and beliefs

Rites and Plots for the Apple Savior

Signs on the Apple Savior on August, 19th are reduced to that success in personal life, career and other important spheres can be attracted independently. To do this it is necessary with the help of such rites:

  • Tear off 3 sprigs of linden, put them in a vase nearwith your bed. After that, for 9 days every morning take out the twigs from the vase, go around with them the whole house, lashing at the corners. So you will attract wealth into your life.
  • To bewitch a loved one, takeapple, cut it into equal halves, put between them a nettle leaf, again connect the parts into one. Next, bring the apple to your lips and read the plot: "Fly to me, my destiny, like nettles burning. Let it be so good for you, me and everyone around. " After that, hide the apple in a place where no one will find it. Wait until the fruit dries, then bury it in the ground near the house of your loved one.
  • To rid your house of bad energy, 19August, take a large apple and cut it into 2 equal parts, from one cut out the core. Next, take a candle, put it on a saucer, light it and go around with it every corner of your house. Wax from the candle will drain, you must merge it into half an apple without a core. Cover it with the second part of the fruit and firmly fasten it with threads. After that, take the apple out on the street and bury it deep into the ground.

The signs on the Apple Savior on August 19 are not limited to this. There are a few more beliefs that seem to look mystical.

Signs on the Apple Savior for Luck

Interesting signs

Here are some other signs for the Apple Savior on August 19:

  • If parents whose child has recently died will not eat apples before the Apple Savior, then in the next world the baby will get presents in the form of paradise apples.
  • On this day, you need to consecrate apples, honey and peas in the church. Luck will pursue the one who shares the consecrated fruits with the poor people.

Apple Savior is considered an Orthodox holiday, therefore people who believe in God observe all the traditions of this holiday.

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