/ Why the orchid does not blossom?

Why does not the orchid blossom?

Orchids are loved by many for their unusual beauty andfragility. This exotic flower came to the court of Russian florists and amateurs. But it happens that the tropical beauty grows well, but does not please flowers. Why does not the orchid blossom? After all, they take care of her so, they cherish and protect her so.

The reasons why the orchid does not bloom may be a lot.

- First, it is possible that the place where it is contained is not suitable for orchids. After all, this flower loves the sun, but stands in your windows facing east or north;

- Secondly, maybe you chose an unsuccessfultime for transplanting the plant (a hot summer day or a flower began flowering period). After all, most often because of wrong transplantation the orchid refuses to blossom. It generally negatively relates to the replacement of soil, and if this procedure was carried out during the active period of its flowering, the orchid may remain for a long time;

- Thirdly, why the orchid does not flower because it was not allowed to rest or the period of rest was too small;

- Fourthly, it is quite possible that the plant is overfed with fertilizers, in which the percentage of nitrogen content was rather high;

- Fifth, maybe the plant has recently been sore and weakened;

- Sixthly, who knows, maybe the temperature at which an orchid grows or grew before that, does not correspond to the one at which this kind of flower should be kept.

As you can see, there are many reasons why the orchid does not flower. And not all are listed here. What should be your actions in case of absence of flowering of this magnificent plant?

Look at your tropical flower,make sure that the above listed has nothing to do with him, and only then hurry to the specialists. Of course, they need to tell us about the conditions in which the orchid is kept.

How many flowers does such a flower in life? The number of blossoms depends on the type of orchid. Some of the varieties, for example, phalaenopsis hybrid, can bloom continuously for six months, and then rest. And the others in six months will release only 2-3 inflorescences - that's all.

For example, how many orchid flowers Dendrobiumnoble? Usually the period of its flowering from January to May, and then with the observance of the temperature regime. If the temperature is low, then you will admire the dendrobium nobil for longer, because he does not like the heat.

Tropical beauty orchid is not socapricious, as rumors spread about her. There are quite a few of its varieties, simple to care for and therefore available to even novice growers. Especially good hybrids both in size and color, rich in shades.

Acquiring for the first time this beautiful plant,people soon wonder why the orchid does not bloom, about the beauty and aroma of which he has heard so much. A plant just has to adapt to a new place, to the microclimate, the humidity and the temperature in the room. Such an adaptation period can last for a long time, up to six months. But then, if you continue to care for the orchid according to all the rules, it will thank its owners with amazing inflorescences, and they will not have a question: "Why does not the orchid blossom?"

In most cases, the love of these tropicalflowers begins with the fact that phalenopsis appears in the house. Care for this orchid is pretty simple. It is not as whimsical to temperature as dendrobium, and can grow under different temperature conditions, from 23ºС on the northern window in case of insufficient illumination to 32ºС in the orchidarium, where the whole day only artificial light. The owners of this kind of orchids will not wonder why the orchid does not bloom, because phalaenopsis usually does not die after flowering and can please the inflorescences for a few more years.

Start your collection of orchids from this species. Learned to care for a simple tropical flower, you can gradually tame and more exquisite views.

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