/ How to count the weeks of pregnancy? Why is it important?

How to count the weeks of pregnancy? Why is it important?

Question: "How to count the weeks of pregnancy?"Is extremely important for mothers expecting the birth of a baby. After all, it is necessary to monitor the development of the fetus, as well as determine the day of birth. The unit of time when determining the gestational age is considered to be a week, so that the doctor sees exactly how the baby is developing, whether it corresponds to his age, and what tests and medications should be prescribed. This article will consider the following points: the definition of the day of conception, the date of delivery, and the calculation of pregnancy by week.

how to count the weeks of pregnancy
How to determine the date of conception

The definition of the approximate date of conception is veryimportant in the search for an answer to the question: "How to count the weeks of pregnancy?". This day is the starting point for tracking pregnancy and determining the day of childbirth. The gestation period starts from the first day of the last menstruation. Why is the calculation based on this (in fact at that moment conception had not yet occurred)? It happens because it's very difficult or impossible to determine the exact number when this happened. But when the last menstruation began, every woman can say. Taking this date as a basis, calculate the duration of pregnancy. In addition, even if the expectant mother knows exactly when there was a sexual intercourse, after which pregnancy occurred, this does not mean that the conception happened on that day. The fact that fertilization may not be immediately, since the sperm can wait a few days for an egg in the fallopian tubes.

calculate pregnancy
How to determine the date of birth

Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks (or 280days) from the estimated date of conception. To find the day of childbirth, you need to add 280 weeks to the first day of the last month. This can be done even easier: add seven days to the conception day, then subtract three months. The gynecologist will apply the same method to calculate the pregnancy.

Why is the calculation carried out by weeks, not by months

When tracking pregnancy, an important roleaccuracy. However, you can only count by month. After all, in the month of 28-31 days, and in the week - invariably 7. According to medical requirements, it is customary to take this measure as a unit of time. In addition, it is much easier to calculate the week of pregnancy than a month.

How to count the weeks of pregnancy

In order to track the intrauterine development of the baby and what happens to the pregnant woman, a pregnancy calendar was created, which was painted on a weekly basis.

calculate the week of pregnancy

This device uses a largepopularity among expectant mothers. Awareness of the woman about the course of pregnancy makes the work of a gynecologist easier, and the pregnant woman is much calmer (as a future mother can easily figure out how to count the weeks of pregnancy and compare her feelings with the average indicators at the same time, making sure everything is going fine) . In case of possible deviations, thanks to the calendar, she can notice them in time and turn to a specialist. In addition, using the calendar you can get information about the causes of various changes and find many useful recommendations and tips for each week of pregnancy.

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