/ / Congratulations on Birthday to a Familiar or Familiar

Congratulations on Birthday to a Familiar or Familiar

With the coming of the holidays before eachcitizen is the question: what to give, what words to say, how to sign a postcard? It becomes especially important if it is necessary to prepare congratulations on the birthday of a friend.

The great importance here is the fact thatintimacy is familiarity. After all, if the acquaintance "cap", when the honor is simply an employee or friend of friends, it is completely unclear what exactly it is possible for her to wish not to offend or accidentally get herself into a mess. Therefore, it is extremely important to first make some inquiries about the lifestyle of the one that will need to be congratulated.

Every congratulation has an obligatory part -wishes. It is best in the case of a small acquaintance to limit oneself to a usual postcard with the poems already written on it - such nowadays a great many are sold at retail outlets. Similar congratulations on the birthday of a friend, with whom the congratulator is not "on a short leg", are quite appropriate.

But if the representative of the fair sex -neighbor with whom they spent their childhood together, or a member of the interest club, or an employee with whom drank more than one ton of tea and was eaten, as they say, "a pood of salt," and at dinner, the stones were washed for friends and their husbands, for each other and for their husbands , it is unlikely that a trivial postcard will give a lady or a young girl the proper pleasure.

Perhaps, preparing congratulations on his birthdaya friend with whom a closer relationship is associated, you need to get a little pushed back and write her something personal, so as to emphasize your unconcern? For example, a loving grandmother may wish to "read so many tales that the stories of her beloved grandchildren are enough for their old age!" And the "cat-cat" or "dog-dog" will be extremely pleased if you wish her long and pleasant years next to her beloved four-legged friends.

Congratulations on the birthday of a friend whofond of poetry or writing a novel, should include the desire to find a happy star in the image of a good publisher who will publish her works in a million copies or a billion thankful readers. You can also wish her to quickly write down her fascinating novel in order to "shake the whole world with her work".

Congratulations on your birthday friendmay contain more frivolous wishes. The one who often says with pleasure that he spent a day off on the couch in front of the TV, you can wish for many years his four-footed friend - a sofa. Usually members of the stronger sex do not really like trivial common phrases, but better perceive humor and even in some way irony. Especially if this irony is a good-natured, merry "podnachka".

Generally, joking wishes almost always reachexcellent positive effect. For example, when they want a "car of crumpled bucks" or "a bag of health, two bags of happiness and three bags of pleasures." And surely no one will like the wish of a bag of mind, charm and talent ... After all, thereby congratulating hints that for today the honored one has neither one nor the other, nor the third.

Therefore, it is worth to be especially careful ifa decision was made to joke a bit in congratulations. Naturally, girls are more touchy and impressionable than young people. And, deciding to come up with your own wishes, you need to weigh everything well.

Congratulations on your girlfriend's birthdaymust necessarily emphasize its unusualness in a good sense: incomparable beauty and charm, charming appearance and sharp mind, the ability to knit or sew, prepare or read poetry. And wishes should correspond to the greeting: "I wish you more bloom of your beauty," "I wish that loved ones appreciate every minute that they spend next to you, because there is no other like that in the world" and the like.

But the most important is to congratulate a loved oneperson without delay, just in time. However, this does not mean that you need to call the birthday or the birthday girl neither light, nor dawn, especially if the birthday falls on a day off or you know in advance that this person likes to sleep longer, and in the morning rushes like an angry, gathering on work. It is better to postpone this pleasant for a while.

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