/ / Sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave for 20 minutes

Sun-dried tomatoes in a microwave for 20 minutes

Such a delicacy, like dried tomatoes, came toto us from temperamental Italy, and already after the first piece you start to feel it. The dish in which they were added will be appreciated by any gourmet. Most often sun-dried tomatoes can be found in fish and meat dishes, they are also used as a seasoning for any side dishes or pizza toppings.

Sun-dried tomatoes in a microwave oven

Thanks to an indescribable taste and a large numberThe applications of pomodori secchi, as the Italians call them, have become very popular in our country. In addition, the preparation of dried tomatoes does not require special culinary skills and special ingredients. The only point that can not be forgotten is that fresh tomato yields a very small amount of the final product. This circumstance significantly influences the price at which sun dried tomatoes are sold. In a microwave it is possible most easily to prepare them, having spent very little time.

To do this, you need to make sure that you haveMinimally necessary ingredients: salt, garlic, vegetable oil and ripe fleshy tomatoes. It is better to produce such blanks in the autumn, when these representatives of Solanaceae keep up. Spices are selected strictly to taste. You can use as a ready-made mixture of Provan grasses, and just add savory, basil and oregano. Even if none of the above are in the kitchen, you should not despair, you can use what is at hand, for example black and red ground pepper or parsley. The main thing is to know the measure and not add seasoning, which somebody in the family does not eat, then you should get edible dried tomatoes.


Sun-dried tomatoes recipe in microwave oven

In a microwave turned on at full power,tomatoes should be at least 5 minutes, but first they need to be prepared. To do this, the tomatoes are thoroughly washed and cut into 4 parts. The resulting lobes are densely laid out in a shallow container, poured on top with vegetable oil and sprinkled with salt and spices.

On this delicacy of how to prepare sun-driedtomatoes in the microwave, do not stop. When the timer counts down its 5 minutes, the oven can be turned off, but the tomatoes should be allowed to stand in it for at least 10 more minutes. Then we take them out and merge the settled juice into a clean container, as it is still needed. Tomatoes again put in the oven and turn it on for 3 minutes.

During this time sun-dried tomatoes in the microwavemust acquire the necessary qualities. Now they need to be laid out in layers in pre-prepared cans, which must be pasteurized. Tomatoes are peppered with finely chopped garlic and poured with juice that has been drained before.

Preparation of sun-dried tomatoes

When all the above manipulations werefinished, jars with workpieces are put for 24 hours in a cool and dark place. In the future, they should be stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life is 6 months.

The described method allows to prepare driedtomatoes in the microwave, which can greatly facilitate the lives of many housewives, because it will take only 20 minutes to get a delicious Italian delicacy in your kitchen.

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